Salesforce, inc. (20240241866). Intelligent Service for Data Migration simplified abstract

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Intelligent Service for Data Migration

Organization Name

salesforce, inc.


Xinwei Jin of San Francisco CA (US)

Intelligent Service for Data Migration - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240241866 titled 'Intelligent Service for Data Migration

The disclosed techniques for generating a migration plan involve identifying eligible entities for data migration from a source database to a destination database. The techniques include creating a data migration plan for the entities and executing the plan using workload balancing procedures.

  • Workload balancing procedure involves mapping eligible entities to instances in the destination database based on data metric values and utilization metric values of the instances.
  • The instances are part of a storage service that collectively implements the destination database.
  • The workload balancing procedure includes altering mappings of entities to instances based on standard deviation of data not meeting a threshold standard deviation.

Potential Applications: - Data migration in cloud computing environments - Database optimization and workload balancing - Efficient resource allocation in large-scale data migrations

Problems Solved: - Streamlining the process of migrating data between databases - Ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization during migration - Simplifying workload balancing in complex database environments

Benefits: - Improved efficiency in data migration processes - Enhanced performance and resource allocation in database operations - Cost savings through optimized workload balancing

Commercial Applications: Title: "Efficient Data Migration and Workload Balancing Technology for Cloud Databases" This technology can be utilized by cloud service providers, database management companies, and large enterprises with extensive data migration needs. It can streamline migration processes, improve database performance, and optimize resource allocation, leading to cost savings and enhanced operational efficiency.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does this technology compare to traditional methods of data migration and workload balancing? 2. What are the key factors to consider when implementing this technology in a large-scale database environment?

Original Abstract Submitted

the disclosed techniques for generating a migration plan include identifying one or more entities that are eligible for data migration to a destination database from a source database. the techniques include generating, using planning procedures that include a workload balancing procedure, a data migration plan for the eligible entities and executing the migration plan. the workload procedure includes mapping, based on data metric values of the eligible entities, different ones of the eligible entities to instances in the destination database, where the mapping is performed based on utilization metric values of the instances, and where the instances are of a storage service that collectively implements the destination database. the workload balancing procedure includes altering the mappings of entities to instances in the destination database, where the remapping is based on a standard deviation of data for entities mapped to instances in the destination database not meeting a threshold standard deviation.