Robert bosch gmbh (20240160807). METHOD FOR SIMULATING A TECHNICAL DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

robert bosch gmbh


Oliver Kotte of Lampertheim (DE)

Laura Beermann of Waldbronn (DE)

Srivathsan Ravi of Bangalore (IN)

METHOD FOR SIMULATING A TECHNICAL DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240160807 titled 'METHOD FOR SIMULATING A TECHNICAL DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The computer-implemented method described in the abstract involves simulating a technical device with multiple hardware units connected via a network. The method includes simulating the hardware units, simulating the network, determining a simulation time base, and coordinating the simulations based on the time base.

  • Simulation of individual hardware units by a hardware simulation unit
  • Simulation of the network by a network simulation unit
  • Determination of a simulation time base by a time simulation unit
  • Temporal coordination of hardware unit and network simulations based on the simulation time base

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various industries such as:

  • Aerospace for simulating complex systems
  • Automotive for testing vehicle components
  • Telecommunications for network optimization

Problems Solved

This technology helps in:

  • Testing and validating hardware units in a simulated environment
  • Analyzing network performance and data transmission
  • Coordinating simulations for accurate results


The benefits of this technology include:

  • Cost-effective testing of technical devices
  • Improved accuracy in simulating complex systems
  • Efficient coordination of hardware and network simulations

Potential Commercial Applications

The potential commercial applications of this technology include:

  • Software development companies for testing hardware components
  • Research institutions for simulating network behavior
  • Manufacturing companies for optimizing technical devices

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art in this field is the use of simulation software for testing hardware components in a virtual environment. Another prior art could be the simulation of networks for analyzing data transmission efficiency.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology compare to traditional hardware testing methods?

This article does not provide a direct comparison between this technology and traditional hardware testing methods. It would be interesting to know the advantages and disadvantages of using this simulation method over traditional testing approaches.

What are the limitations of this simulation method in terms of scalability?

The article does not address the scalability of this simulation method. It would be important to understand how well this technology can handle simulations of large-scale technical devices with numerous hardware units and complex network configurations.

Original Abstract Submitted

a computer-implemented method for simulating a technical device, wherein a plurality of hardware units are connected to one another via a network in the technical device to be simulated. the method includes simulation of the individual hardware units by a hardware simulation unit, in particular by executing software to be executed in the individual hardware units; simulation of the network by a network simulation unit, in particular by simulating data transmissions between the individual hardware units via the network; determination of a simulation time base by a time simulation unit; and temporal coordination of the simulation of the individual hardware units and of the simulation of the network by the time simulation unit based on the simulation time base.