Qubit Moving and Storage, LLC (20240232671). Quantum Information System and Method with Entanglement Tracking and Generation of Verified Quantum Information Using Metadata simplified abstract

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Quantum Information System and Method with Entanglement Tracking and Generation of Verified Quantum Information Using Metadata

Organization Name

Qubit Moving and Storage, LLC


Gary Vacon of East Falmouth MA (US)

Kristin A. Rauschenbach of Franconia NH (US)

Quantum Information System and Method with Entanglement Tracking and Generation of Verified Quantum Information Using Metadata - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240232671 titled 'Quantum Information System and Method with Entanglement Tracking and Generation of Verified Quantum Information Using Metadata

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a quantum information system with metadata management that involves generating entangled quantum states, collecting metadata associated with the quantum information, and processing the data to determine correlated information.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Entangled quantum state source generates quantum information in quantum form.
  • Metadata collector generates classical metadata associated with the quantum information.
  • Receivers measure entangled states to generate quantum state information in classical form.
  • Processors use metadata to tag and process the quantum state information.
  • System determines correlated data associated with the entangled states.

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in quantum communication, quantum cryptography, and quantum computing applications.

Problems Solved

This system addresses the challenge of managing metadata associated with quantum information and processing entangled states effectively.


  • Enhanced security in quantum communication.
  • Improved data processing and correlation in quantum systems.
  • Efficient management of quantum information and metadata.

Commercial Applications

  • Quantum communication networks.
  • Quantum encryption systems.
  • Quantum computing platforms.

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior research on quantum information systems, entangled states, and metadata management in quantum technologies.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay informed about the latest developments in quantum information systems, quantum cryptography, and quantum computing for potential advancements in this field.

Questions about Quantum Information System with Metadata Management

What are the potential real-world applications of this technology?

This technology could be applied in various fields such as secure communication, data processing, and computing.

How does this system improve upon existing quantum information management techniques?

This system enhances metadata management and correlation of entangled states in quantum systems, leading to more efficient data processing and communication.

Original Abstract Submitted

quantum information system with metadata management includes an entangled quantum state source that generates quantum information in quantum form comprising two entangled states. a metadata collector generates metadata in classical form associated with the generated quantum information. a first receiver measures one of the two entangled states to generate quantum state information in classical form comprising a first state value and first toa. a second receiver is configured to measure the other entangled states to generate quantum state information in classical form comprising a second state value and second toa. a first processor generates a comb using the first toa and the metadata to tag the generated quantum state information in classical form comprising the first state value. a second processor coupled to the first processor and to the second receiver is configured to process the comb and metadata to determine correlated data associated with the two entangled states.