Qualcomm incorporated (20240305962). SENSOR PROCESSING OFFLOAD AND FUSION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

qualcomm incorporated


Justin Mcgloin of Los Altos CA (US)

Joel Linsky of San Diego CA (US)

Ziad Asghar of San Diego CA (US)

Vinesh Sukumar of Fremont CA (US)

SENSOR PROCESSING OFFLOAD AND FUSION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240305962 titled 'SENSOR PROCESSING OFFLOAD AND FUSION

The abstract describes a patent application for a control system that receives client device information and transmits sensor data request information to the client devices. The client device information includes client device type and sensor information, while the sensor data request information includes requested sensor data types and transmission parameters.

  • The control system receives client device information and transmits sensor data request information.
  • Client device information includes device type and sensor information.
  • Sensor data request information includes requested sensor data types and transmission parameters.
  • Transmission parameters may include threshold and variance parameters.
  • Sensor data is received based on the requested transmission parameters.

Potential Applications: - IoT devices - Home automation systems - Industrial monitoring systems

Problems Solved: - Efficient data transmission from client devices - Customized sensor data requests

Benefits: - Improved data collection - Enhanced control system functionality

Commercial Applications: Title: "Smart Control Systems for Enhanced Data Collection" This technology can be used in various industries such as healthcare, agriculture, and manufacturing for efficient data collection and analysis, leading to improved decision-making processes.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this technology improve data collection efficiency? 2. What are the key parameters for sensor data transmission in this system?

Original Abstract Submitted

receiving, by a control system, client device information from one or more client devices and transmitting, by the control system, sensor data request information to the one or more client devices. the client device information may indicate at least client device type information and client device sensor information. the sensor data request information may indicate one or more requested sensor data types and one or more requested sensor data transmission parameters. the one or more requested sensor data transmission parameters may indicate one or more threshold parameters for requested sensor data transmission, one or more variance parameters for requested sensor data transmission, or a combination thereof. some examples may involve receiving, by the control system, sensor data from the one or more client devices based, at least in part, on the one or more requested sensor data transmission parameters.