Qualcomm incorporated (20240289916). LOW LATENCY FRAME DELIVERY simplified abstract

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Organization Name

qualcomm incorporated


Martin Renschler of San Diego CA (US)

Cullum James Baldwin of San Diego CA (US)

Michael Mager of San Diego CA (US)

Gautham Mayyuri of Carlsbad CA (US)

Bijan Forutanpour of San Diego CA (US)

LOW LATENCY FRAME DELIVERY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240289916 titled 'LOW LATENCY FRAME DELIVERY

The abstract describes a method for marking specified regions of stored image frame buffer data in an imaging system, allowing for efficient identification of overwritten data and retrieval of partial image frame data for processing.

  • The imaging system can read specified regions of the image frame buffer to identify overwritten data.
  • Partial image frame data can be retrieved and processed for tasks like compositing and distortion compensation.
  • Processed partial image frame data can be uploaded to a display buffer for viewing.
  • Auto-exposure can be performed using the partial image frame data.
    • Potential Applications:**

- Image processing in digital cameras - Video editing software - Augmented reality applications

    • Problems Solved:**

- Efficient identification of overwritten data in image frame buffers - Streamlined processing of partial image frame data

    • Benefits:**

- Improved image processing efficiency - Enhanced display quality - Simplified auto-exposure adjustments

    • Commercial Applications:**

Commercial applications include digital cameras, video editing software, and augmented reality devices. This technology can enhance image processing capabilities and improve user experience in various visual applications.

    • Questions about the Technology:**

1. How does the imaging system identify overwritten data in the image frame buffer?

  - The imaging system reads specified regions of the frame buffer to determine if marking has been overwritten.

2. What are the potential benefits of using partial image frame data for processing?

  - Using partial image frame data allows for efficient compositing, distortion compensation, and auto-exposure adjustments.

Original Abstract Submitted

examples are described of marking specified regions of stored image frame buffer data in an image frame buffer. an imaging system can read the specified regions of the image frame buffer to identify whether the marking has been overwritten or not. the imaging system can thus efficiently identify how much of the image frame buffer has been overwritten with data from a new image frame. based on this, the imaging system can retrieve partial image frame data from the image frame buffer and can process the partial image frame data, for instance to composite the partial image frame data with virtual content and/or to perform distortion compensation. the processed partial image frame data can be uploaded to a display buffer and displayed by a display, either as-is or once more of the frame is captured and processed. the imaging system can also perform auto-exposure using the partial image frame data.