Qualcomm incorporated (20240284537). HANDLING SLICE LIMITATIONS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

qualcomm incorporated


Stefano Faccin of San Ysidro CA (US)

Mahmoud Watfa of St-Leonard (CA)

HANDLING SLICE LIMITATIONS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240284537 titled 'HANDLING SLICE LIMITATIONS

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications that efficiently consider parameters of a network slice to determine access, session establishment, and resource allocation for communication.

  • Efficient consideration of network slice parameters for access decisions
  • Establishment of sessions via network slices
  • Granting access to communication resources via network slices
  • Efficient determination of retry attempts for accessing network slices, establishing sessions, or accessing communication resources

Key Features and Innovation: - Optimization of network slice parameters for access decisions - Streamlined session establishment via network slices - Improved resource allocation for communication via network slices - Enhanced retry mechanisms for accessing network slices and resources

Potential Applications: - Telecommunications networks - Internet of Things (IoT) devices - Mobile communication systems

Problems Solved: - Inefficient network slice parameter consideration - Complex session establishment processes - Resource allocation inefficiencies - Lack of effective retry mechanisms for network access

Benefits: - Improved network efficiency - Enhanced user experience - Better resource utilization - Increased reliability of communication services

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include: - Telecommunication companies optimizing network resources - IoT device manufacturers improving connectivity - Mobile network operators enhancing user experience

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior art related to network slicing, session establishment, and resource allocation in wireless communications technologies.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay informed about the latest research on network slicing, session establishment, and resource allocation in wireless communication systems.

Questions about Wireless Communications: 1. How does network slicing improve the efficiency of wireless communications? 2. What are the key challenges in establishing sessions via network slices?

Original Abstract Submitted

methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. generally, the described techniques at a network provide for efficiently considering parameters of a network slice when determining whether to provide access to the network slice, allow the establishment of a session via the network slice, or grant access to resources for communications via the network slice. further, the described techniques at a user equipment (ue) provide for efficiently determining when or whether to retry to access a network slice, retry to establish a session via the network slice, or retry to access resources for communicating via the network slice.