Qualcomm incorporated (20240283594). CONFIGURABLE TIMING ADVANCE COMMAND GRANULARITY simplified abstract

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Organization Name

qualcomm incorporated


Liangping Ma of San Diego CA (US)

Changhwan Park of San Diego CA (US)

CONFIGURABLE TIMING ADVANCE COMMAND GRANULARITY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240283594 titled 'CONFIGURABLE TIMING ADVANCE COMMAND GRANULARITY

The abstract of the patent application describes a process where a user equipment (UE) transmits a message with an indication related to a timing advance command (TAC) granularity. A network node receives this message and responds by transmitting a second message with a TAC configuration based on the indication. The UE then receives this configuration and transmits a message based on it. The network node, which can be a non-terrestrial node like a satellite, receives this message and completes the communication process.

  • User equipment (UE) transmits a message with a timing advance command (TAC) granularity indication.
  • Network node receives the message and responds with a TAC configuration message.
  • UE receives the TAC configuration and transmits a message based on it.
  • Network node, which can be a non-terrestrial node, receives and completes the communication process.
      1. Potential Applications:

- Satellite communication systems - Low-earth orbit devices - Non-terrestrial network communication technologies

      1. Problems Solved:

- Efficient communication in non-terrestrial networks - Accurate timing advance command configurations

      1. Benefits:

- Improved communication reliability - Enhanced network performance in non-terrestrial environments

      1. Commercial Applications:

Title: Non-Terrestrial Network Communication Technology for Satellite Systems This technology can be used in satellite communication systems for various industries such as telecommunications, broadcasting, and remote sensing. It can improve the efficiency and reliability of communication in non-terrestrial networks, making it valuable for companies operating in remote areas or relying on satellite technology.

      1. Prior Art:

There may be prior art related to timing advance command configurations in wireless communication systems and satellite networks. Researchers can explore existing patents and publications in these fields to understand the evolution of similar technologies.

      1. Frequently Updated Research:

Researchers in the field of satellite communication systems and non-terrestrial networks may be conducting studies on improving timing advance command configurations for enhanced network performance. Stay updated with the latest research in these areas to explore advancements in communication technologies.

        1. Questions about Non-Terrestrial Network Communication Technology:

1. How does this technology impact the efficiency of satellite communication systems? 2. What are the key differences between TAC configurations in terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks?

Original Abstract Submitted

a user equipment (ue) may transmit a first message comprising a first indication associated with a timing advance command (tac) granularity. a network node may receive the first message. the network node may transmit a second message comprising a tac configuration associated with the tac granularity based on the first indication. the network node may transmit the second message in response to receiving the first message. the ue may receive the second message. the network node may transmit a tac. the ue may receive the tac. the ue may transmit a third message based on the tac configuration. the ue may transmit the third message in response to receiving the tac. the network node may receive the third message. the network node may be a non-terrestrial network node, such as a satellite or a low-earth orbit device.