Qualcomm incorporated (20240194545). METAL POCKET FANOUT PACKAGE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

qualcomm incorporated


Hong Bok We of San Diego CA (US)

Joan Rey Villarba Buot of Escondido CA (US)

Sang-Jae Lee of San Diego CA (US)

Zhijie Wang of San Diego CA (US)

METAL POCKET FANOUT PACKAGE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240194545 titled 'METAL POCKET FANOUT PACKAGE

    • Simplified Explanation:**

The patent application describes die packages with metal frames and metal pockets to reduce warpage and provide electrical conductivity for shielding the dies.

    • Key Features and Innovation:**
  • Incorporation of metal frames with metal pockets in die packages
  • Structural integrity provided by the metal frame reduces or eliminates warpage
  • Metal frame can be used as an electrical shield to protect the dies
    • Potential Applications:**

The technology can be applied in semiconductor packaging, electronic devices, and integrated circuits.

    • Problems Solved:**

This technology addresses the issues of warpage in die packages and provides electrical shielding for the dies.

    • Benefits:**
  • Reduced warpage in die packages
  • Enhanced protection for the dies through electrical shielding
  • Potential for fabricating die packages with thin dies
    • Commercial Applications:**
  • Semiconductor industry for packaging solutions
  • Electronics manufacturing for improved product performance
  • Integrated circuit production for enhanced reliability
    • Prior Art:**

Prior art related to this technology may include patents or research on die packaging materials and structures.

    • Frequently Updated Research:**

Stay updated on advancements in die packaging materials, structural design, and electrical shielding techniques.

    • Questions about Die Packages with Metal Frames and Pockets:**

1. How does the metal frame reduce warpage in die packages? 2. What are the potential commercial applications of this technology?

Original Abstract Submitted

disclosed are examples of die packages that incorporate metal frames with metal pockets. one or more dies may be placed within the metal pockets. due to the structural integrity provided by the metal frame, warpage is reduced or eliminated. as a result, die packages with thin dies may be fabricated. further, due to the electrical conductivity provided by the metal frame, the metal frame may be used as an electrical shield to protect the dies.