Qualcomm incorporated (20240187347). MEASURING DATA PACKET DELAY IN AN END-TO-END COMMUNICATION PATH simplified abstract

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Organization Name

qualcomm incorporated


Liangping Ma of San Diego CA (US)

Prashanth Haridas Hande of San Diego CA (US)

Martin Renschler of San Diego CA (US)

Sebastian Speicher of Wallisellen (CH)

Imed Bouazizi of Frisco TX (US)

Thomas Stockhammer of Bergen (DE)

Nikolai Konrad Leung of San Francisco CA (US)

Peerapol Tinnakornsrisuphap of San Diego CA (US)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240187347 titled 'MEASURING DATA PACKET DELAY IN AN END-TO-END COMMUNICATION PATH

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a system and method for measuring data packet delays in an end-to-end communication path. Here are some key points from the abstract:

  • Transmit first delay measurement information in a data packet from a first computing device to a second computing device.
  • Receive second delay measurement information in a data packet from the second computing device.
  • Determine data packet delay based on transmit and receive timing information.
  • Use the determined packet delay to set a quality of service for the communication path.


      1. Potential Applications

The technology described in this patent application could be applied in various fields such as:

  • Network performance monitoring
  • Quality of service optimization in communication networks
  • Real-time data transmission applications
      1. Problems Solved

This technology addresses the following issues:

  • Ensuring timely delivery of data packets in communication networks
  • Improving overall network performance and reliability
  • Enhancing quality of service for end users
      1. Benefits

Some of the benefits of this technology include:

  • Enhanced network efficiency
  • Improved user experience in data transmission
  • Better management of network resources
      1. Potential Commercial Applications

The technology could be valuable in commercial applications such as:

  • Telecommunication companies
  • Internet service providers
  • Cloud service providers
      1. Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art related to this technology is the use of network monitoring tools to measure packet delays in communication networks. These tools have been used to analyze network performance and identify bottlenecks in data transmission.


      1. Unanswered Questions
        1. How does this technology impact cybersecurity measures in communication networks?

The article does not delve into the potential implications of this technology on cybersecurity aspects such as data privacy, encryption, and network security.

        1. What are the scalability limitations of implementing this technology in large-scale communication networks?

The scalability of this technology in terms of handling a high volume of data packets and network traffic is not discussed in detail in the article.

Original Abstract Submitted

embodiments of systems and methods for measuring data packet delays in an end-to-end communication path according to some embodiments may include transmitting from a first computing device to a second computing device first delay measurement information in a first packet with a header portion configured to indicate that the first packet is a data packet, receiving from the second computing device second delay measurement information in a second packet with a header portion configured to indicate that the second packet is a data packet, determining a data packet delay between the first computing device and the second computing device based on transmit timing information of the first packet and receive timing information of the second packet, and using the determined packet delay to set a quality of service for a communication path between the first computing device and the second computing device.