Qualcomm incorporated (20240176011). BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING simplified abstract

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Organization Name

qualcomm incorporated


Mohammad Tarek Fahim of San Diego CA (US)

Srinivas Yerramalli of San Diego CA (US)

Xiaojie Wang of Hillsborough NJ (US)

Jing Sun of San Diego CA (US)

BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240176011 titled 'BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING

Simplified Explanation

The patent application is for a system that supports backscatter-based positioning in wireless communication. It involves receiving multiple measurement reports associated with a tag device, determining the position of the tag device based on these reports and a tag delay, and other related aspects.

  • Explanation:

- System for wireless communication supporting backscatter-based positioning - Receives multiple measurement reports from a tag device - Determines tag device position based on reports and tag delay

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various fields such as: - Asset tracking - Indoor navigation systems - Inventory management

Problems Solved

This technology helps in: - Improving accuracy in positioning - Enhancing efficiency in tracking devices - Enabling seamless communication in challenging environments


The benefits of this technology include: - Enhanced location accuracy - Cost-effective solution for positioning - Increased reliability in wireless communication

Potential Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications of this technology include: - Logistics and supply chain management - Smart cities infrastructure - Retail and inventory tracking systems

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be the use of RFID technology for asset tracking and inventory management.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology impact battery life of devices using it?

The patent application does not provide information on how this technology may impact the battery life of devices utilizing it. This could be a crucial factor for the practical implementation of the system.

What are the potential security implications of backscatter-based positioning in wireless communication?

The patent application does not address the potential security implications of using backscatter-based positioning in wireless communication. It would be important to understand how this technology may affect the security of data transmission and device tracking.

Original Abstract Submitted

this disclosure provides systems, methods, and devices for wireless communication that support backscatter-based positioning. in a first aspect, a method of wireless communication includes receiving multiple measurement reports associated with a tag device. the multiple measurement reports includes, for each transmission/reception point (trp) of a group of trps, a measurement report of the trp. the method also includes determining a position of the tag device based on the multiple measurement reports and a tag delay of the tag device. other aspects and features are also claimed and described.