QUALCOMM Incorporated patent applications on May 30th, 2024

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Patent Applications by QUALCOMM Incorporated on May 30th, 2024

QUALCOMM Incorporated: 60 patent applications

QUALCOMM Incorporated has applied for patents in the areas of H04W64/00 (18), H04L5/00 (13), H04W24/10 (10), H04L5/0051 (6), H04W72/0446 (6)

With keywords such as: based, communication, wireless, signal, device, positioning, image, information, network, and data in patent application abstracts.

Patent Applications by QUALCOMM Incorporated

20240175963.BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Mohammad Tarek Fahim of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Srinivas Yerramalli of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaojie Wang of Hillsborough NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jing Sun of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G01S5/00, H04L5/00, H04W24/10

Abstract: this disclosure provides systems, methods, and devices for wireless communication that support backscatter-based positioning. in a first aspect, a method of wireless communication includes receiving multiple measurement reports associated with a tag device. the multiple measurement including, for each transmission/reception point (trp) of multiple trps, a measurement report of the trp. the method further includes determining, based on the multiple measurement reports, a position of the tag device having a tag delay that is unknown to a network entity.


Inventor(s): Alexandros MANOLAKOS of Athens, Attikí (GR) for qualcomm incorporated, Weimin DUAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Sven FISCHER of Nuremberg (DE) for qualcomm incorporated, Krishna Kiran MUKKAVILLI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G01S5/00, H04L5/00, H04W24/10, H04W72/0446, H04W72/23

Abstract: disclosed are techniques for wireless communication. in an aspect, a user equipment (ue) measures one or more positioning reference signal (prs) resources of at least one prs instance, and processes the one or more prs resources of the at least one prs instance during a prs processing gap, wherein the prs processing gap comprises a period of time during which the ue prioritizes prs processing over reception, processing, or both of other downlink signals and channels.

20240175965.BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Xiaojie Wang of Hillsborough NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jing Sun of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaoxia Zhang of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Junyi Li of Fairless Hills PA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G01S5/00, H04L5/00, H04W24/08

Abstract: this disclosure provides systems, methods, and devices for wireless communication that support backscatter-based positioning. in a first aspect, a method of wireless communication includes transmitting a configuration signal that indicates a tag address of a tag device and a modulation scheme for generation of a backscatter signal. the method also includes transmitting a positioning reference signal (prs) after transmission of the configuration signal. the method further includes receiving, from the tag device, a backscatter signal based on the modulation scheme and the prs. other aspects and features are also claimed and described.

20240175966.USER EQUIPMENT (UE) ASSISTED BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING PROCEDURE_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Mohammad Tarek FAHIM of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Srinivas YERRAMALLI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Piyush GUPTA of Bridgewater NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaojie WANG of Hillsborough NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaoxia ZHANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Rajat PRAKASH of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G01S5/00, H04L5/00, H04W24/10, H04W64/00

Abstract: disclosed are techniques for wireless communication. in an aspect, a location server may receive measurement reports from one or more receiving radio frequency identification (rfid) stations, the measurement reports being based on a backscattered signal from an rfid device observed at the one or more receiving rfid stations, and the backscattered signal being based on a positioning reference signal transmitted by a user equipment (ue). the location server may determine an estimated position of the rfid device based on the measurement reports.

20240176011.BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Mohammad Tarek Fahim of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Srinivas Yerramalli of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaojie Wang of Hillsborough NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jing Sun of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G01S13/87, G01S13/76, H04W64/00

Abstract: this disclosure provides systems, methods, and devices for wireless communication that support backscatter-based positioning. in a first aspect, a method of wireless communication includes receiving multiple measurement reports associated with a tag device. the multiple measurement reports includes, for each transmission/reception point (trp) of a group of trps, a measurement report of the trp. the method also includes determining a position of the tag device based on the multiple measurement reports and a tag delay of the tag device. other aspects and features are also claimed and described.

20240176574.AUDIO SWITCH WITH TURN-OFF HELPER FOR DIGITAL INTERFACE_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Dongyang TANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ramkumar SIVAKUMAR of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Khaled Mahmoud ABDELFATTAH ALY of Irvine CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G06F3/16, G06F13/38, H03K17/687

Abstract: an integrated circuit is provided with a terminal that functions to pass a data signal during a high-speed data mode of operation and to pass an audio signal during an audio mode of operation. the integrated circuit includes an audio source that couples to the terminal through an audio pass transistor during the audio mode of operation. to maintain the audio pass transistor off during the high-speed data mode of operation, the integrated circuit includes a first transistor coupled between the terminal and a gate of the audio pass transistor. the first transistor conducts negative charge from the terminal to the gate of the audio pass transistor.

20240176742.PROVIDING MEMORY REGION PREFETCHING IN PROCESSOR-BASED DEVICES_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Suryanarayana Murthy Durbhakula of Hyderabad (IN) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G06F12/0862, G06F12/0804, G06F12/123

Abstract: providing memory region prefetching in processor-based devices is disclosed. in some aspects, a processor-based device comprises a region prefetcher circuit that comprises a plurality of access bitmaps corresponding to a plurality of contiguous memory regions of a system memory device. each access bitmap comprises a plurality of bits corresponding to a plurality of memory blocks of a contiguous memory region. the region prefetcher circuit detects a memory access request to a memory block of a contiguous memory region, identifies an access bitmap corresponding to the contiguous memory region, and identifies a bit corresponding to the memory block. the region prefetcher circuit sets the bit to indicate the memory access request to the memory block. the region prefetcher circuit subsequently detects a prefetch trigger event, and, in response, identifies one or more unset bits of the access bitmap, and prefetches one or more memory blocks corresponding to the unset bits.

20240176751.MULTIPLE-CORE MEMORY CONTROLLER_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Pankaj Deshmukh of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Shyamkumar Thoziyoor of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Vishakh Balakuntalam Visweswara of Vancouver (CA) for qualcomm incorporated, Jungwon Suh of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Subbarao Palacharla of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G06F13/16

Abstract: this disclosure provides systems, methods, and devices for memory systems that support operating a least portions of a memory core at a frequency lower than a memory clock to reduce power consumption and cost. in a first aspect, a memory controller includes a first core for scheduling a first memory operation for a first portion of a clock cycle of the memory clock and includes a second core for scheduling a second memory operation for a second portion of the clock cycle of the memory clock. other aspects and features are also claimed and described.


Inventor(s): Mohammad Tarek FAHIM of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Srinivas YERRAMALLI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Piyush GUPTA of Bridgewater NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaojie WANG of Hillsborough NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaoxia ZHANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Rajat PRAKASH of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G06K7/00, G06K7/10

Abstract: disclosed are techniques for wireless communication. in an aspect, radio frequency identification (rfid) device may receive a positioning reference signal that is transmitted over a set of radio resources of a wireless communications network, the positioning reference signal including a first temporal portion for energy harvesting and a second temporal portion for backscattering. the rfid device may transmit a backscattered signal based on at least a part of the second temporal portion of the positioning reference signal.

20240177048.DISTRIBUTED MACHINE LEARNING COMPILER OPTIMIZATION_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Weiliang ZENG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Christopher G. LOTT of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Edward H. TEAGUE of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Yang YANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Joseph Binamira SORIAGA of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G06N20/00

Abstract: a method for optimizing the compilation of a machine learning model to be executed on target edge devices is provided. compute nodes of a plurality of compute nodes are allocated to a compiler optimization process for a compiler of said machine learning model. the machine learning model has a compute graph representation having nodes that are kernel operators necessary to execute the machine learning model and edges that connect said kernel operators to define precedence constraints. a round of optimization is scheduled for the process amongst the allocated compute nodes. at each allocated compute node a sequencing and scheduling solution is applied per round to obtain a performance metric for the machine learning model. from each compute node the performance metric is received and a solution that has the best performance metric is identified and implemented for execution of the machine learning model on the target edge devices.

20240177267.RANGE AWARE SPATIAL UPSCALING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Siqi LI of Shenzhen (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Yunzhen LI of Shenzhen (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Qi JIN of Shanghai (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Yanshan WEN of Shanghai (CN) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G06T3/40, G06T5/00, G06T5/50

Abstract: aspects are provided for preserving the edge sharpness and enhancing details while upscaling a rendered image. some aspects specifically relate to upscaling images using a spatial difference between a pixel to be interpolated and respective neighboring pixels, and an intensity difference between respective neighboring pixels and a mean intensity of a subset of the neighboring pixels. considering both the spatial and intensity difference during upscaling prevents small details of the input image from being smoothed, since a larger weight may be assigned to pixels with a closer intensity value and that are closer in distance to the pixel to be interpolated than in techniques such as bilinear interpolation where only spatial difference may be considered. the result is an upscaled image that preserves sharp edges and small detail for a more accurate upscaled image in a higher resolution than compared to related upscaling methods that only consider using spatial difference.

20240177274.IMAGE EFFECT RENDERING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Eran Scharam of Misgav (IL) for qualcomm incorporated, Tomer Livneh of Pardes Hana-Karkur (IL) for qualcomm incorporated, Esther Toledano of Kiryat yam (IL) for qualcomm incorporated, Diana Shaposhnik of Haifa (IL) for qualcomm incorporated, Oren Shirak of Atlit (IL) for qualcomm incorporated, Yan Gershfeld of Acco (IL) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G06T5/00, G06T5/20, G06T5/50

Abstract: this disclosure provides systems, methods, and devices for image signal processing that support hardware-based photographic and videographic effects. in a first aspect, a method of image processing includes receiving, by an image signal processor, first image data; and determining an output image frame based on the first image data by applying a photographic effect to a first image frame of the first image data in the image signal processor. other aspects and features are also claimed and described.

20240177329.SCALING FOR DEPTH ESTIMATION_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Hong CAI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Yinhao ZHU of La Jolla CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jisoo JEONG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Yunxiao SHI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Fatih Murat PORIKLI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G06T7/593, G06T3/40, G06T7/246, G06T7/579

Abstract: systems and techniques are provided for processing sensor data. for example, a process can include determining, using a trained machine learning system, a predicted depth map for an image, the predicted depth map including a respective predicted depth value for each pixel of the image. the process can further include obtaining depth values for the image, the depth values including depth values for less than all pixels of the image from a tracker configured to determine the depth values based on one or more feature points between frames. the process can further include scaling the predicted depth map for the image using and the depth values. the output of the process can be scale-correct depth prediction values.

20240177691.DYNAMIC FRAME RATE OPTIMIZATION_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Nan ZHANG of Beijing (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Xinchao YANG of Shanghai (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Yongjun XU of Beijing (CN) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): G09G5/18

Abstract: systems, methods, and non-transitory media are provided for dynamically switching frame rates without changing a display refresh rate. an example method can include receiving, from a display device associated with a computing device, a set of control signals indicating a display refresh rate implemented by the display device; adjusting a frame rate associated with application data from one or more applications executed on the computing device; synchronizing, based on the set of control signals, the adjusted frame rate with two or more display refresh cycles, each display refresh cycle being based on the display refresh rate; providing, to the display device, a first frame at the adjusted frame rate, the first frame being generated based on the application data; and displaying the first frame at the display device implementing the display refresh rate.

20240178662.FULLY DIFFERENTIAL ESD CIRCUIT FOR HIGH-FREQUENCY APPLICATIONS_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Kshitij YADAV of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Vijayakumar DHANASEKARAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Khaled Mahmoud ABDELFATTAH ALY of Irvine CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ramkumar SIVAKUMAR of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H02H9/04

Abstract: a differential esd circuit is provided for protecting a pair of differential terminals of an integrated circuit from electrostatic shock. a first diode couples between a first terminal in the pair of differential terminals and a first resistor that couples to a voltage node of the integrated circuit. similarly, a second diode couples between a second terminal in the pair of differential terminals and a second resistor that couples to the voltage node of the integrated circuit. the first and second resistors isolate the first and second terminals from a capacitive loading that would otherwise exist from the first and second diodes.

20240178663.IEC PROTECTION OF HIGH-FREQUENCY TERMINALS_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Kshitij YADAV of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Vijayakumar DHANASEKARAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Khaled Mahmoud ABDELFATTAH ALY of Irvine CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ramkumar SIVAKUMAR of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Dongyang TANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Chienchung YANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H02H9/04

Abstract: an esd trigger circuit is provided for protecting a pass transistor coupled to an integrated circuit terminal. the integrated circuit terminal couples through a diode to a voltage node. in response to an electrostatic shock at the integrated circuit terminal, the diode conducts charge to the voltage node to pulse a voltage of the voltage node. the esd trigger circuit responds to the pulse of the voltage by coupling the voltage node to a gate of the pass transistor.

20240178795.Oscillator Feedthrough Calibration_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Mohamed Abouzied of La Jolla CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Chuan Wang of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Anosh Davierwalla of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Muhammad Hassan of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Vinod Panikkath of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Li Liu of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H03D7/14, H04B17/21

Abstract: an apparatus is disclosed for oscillator feedthrough calibration, such as a component arrangement that can be calibrated to account for signal leakage from an oscillator coupled to a mixer circuit. in example aspects, the apparatus includes a mixer circuit having a first stage, a second stage, and tuning circuitry. the first stage includes at least one transistor coupled between a mixer input and a mixer output. the second stage includes one or more transistors coupled between the at least one transistor of the first stage and the mixer output. the one or more transistors are also coupled between a local oscillator signal input and the mixer output. the tuning circuitry includes at least one current source coupled to the at least one transistor of the first stage.

20240178908.TECHNIQUES FOR SCRAMBLING MULTIPLE ACCESS IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Syed Hashim Ali SHAH of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ayan Sengupta of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Alberto Rico Alvarino of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiao Feng Wang of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04B7/185, H04L27/00

Abstract: aspects described herein relate to generating, using an initial seed and a pseudo-random shift value, a scrambling sequence, scrambling, using the scrambling sequence, one or more codewords as part of generating a baseband signal for a wireless communication channel, and transmitting the baseband signal to a network node.

20240178912.CELL TYPE SELECTION FOR NON-TERRESTRIAL NETWORKS_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Bharat SHRESTHA of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Alberto RICO ALVARINO of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiao Feng WANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Masato KITAZOE of Tokyo (JP) for qualcomm incorporated, Ayan SENGUPTA of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Amer CATOVIC of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Umesh PHUYAL of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Liangping MA of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Le LIU of San Jose CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04B7/185, H04W36/00, H04W36/08

Abstract: a user equipment (ue) selects or reselects a target cell of a non-terrestrial network or resumes connectivity with the target cell after a satellite handover for a permanently fixed low earth orbit (leo) cell. the target cell is a serving or non-serving cell. the ue determines a cell type of the target cell. the cell type may be a leo cell type, a geostationary earth orbit (geo) cell type, a moving cell type, a fixed cell type, a temporarily fixed leo cell type, or a permanently fixed leo cell type. the ue completes selection or reselection of the target cell or completes the connectivity with the target cell, based on the cell type.


Inventor(s): Ahmed Abdelaziz Ibrahim Abdelaziz ZEWAIL of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Mostafa KHOSHNEVISAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaoxia ZHANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jing SUN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04L1/00, H04B7/0452, H04B7/0456, H04B7/06

Abstract: apparatus, methods, and computer-readable media for facilitating wireless communication employing mu-mimo are disclosed herein. an example method for wireless communication at a user equipment (ue) includes receiving common rate matching information for a common codeword for a rate-splitting mu-mimo communication. the example method also includes decoding the common codeword of the rate-splitting mu-mimo communication using the common rate matching information.

20240178944.ON DEMAND TRANSMISSION OF DEFERRED SEMI-PERSISTENT SCHEDULING FEEDBACK_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Konstantinos Dimou of New York NY (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Yan Zhou of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Tao Luo of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04L1/1829, H04L1/1867

Abstract: methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. a user equipment (ue) may be configured with a first configuration that the ue is to use for semi-persistent scheduling transmissions when availability of one or more uplink symbols in which the feedback is scheduled for transmission to a base station changes (e.g., due to a slot format change). the ue may be configured to defer transmission of the feedback until a subsequent uplink resource. the ue may receive, from the base station, an indication of a second configuration that the ue is to use for the semi-persistent scheduling transmissions when availability of one or more uplink symbols in which the feedback is scheduled for transmission to a base station changes. the ue may not defer transmission based on the second configuration.

20240178964.TIME REVERSAL FOR ON-DEMAND POSITIONING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Weimin DUAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jing LEI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Alexandros MANOLAKOS of Escondido CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04L5/00, H04B7/06

Abstract: methods and apparatus for on-demand transmission of time reversal (tr) precoded positioning signals are disclosed. in an example method, a user equipment (ue) may transmit a request for transmission of one or more positioning signals from a base station, the request associated with a tr precoding, transmit one or more signals to the base station, and receive from the base station the one or more positioning signals based at least in part on the transmitted request and the one or more transmitted signals.

20240178971.POSITIONING MEASUREMENT REPORTING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Alexandros MANOLAKOS of Athens (GR) for qualcomm incorporated, Weimin DUAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Wanshi CHEN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04L5/00

Abstract: a method of providing positioning state information in a channel usable for conveying the positioning state information includes: obtaining a positioning state information resource allocation parameter; determining a positioning resource amount based on the positioning state information resource allocation parameter, the positioning resource amount being an amount of resources of the channel usable for conveying the positioning state information; and transmitting the positioning state information over the channel while occupying no more than the positioning resource amount of resources of the channel.


Inventor(s): Ruiming ZHENG of Beijing (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Muhammad Sayed Khairy ABDELGHAFFAR of San Jose CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Yu ZHANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Linhai HE of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04L5/00

Abstract: various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. in some aspects, a user equipment (ue) may receive a first medium access control control element (mac-ce) that, alone or with a second mac-ce, specifies one or more transmission control indicator (tci) states for a first control resource set (coreset) identifier (id) that corresponds to a first transmit receive point (trp) and one or more tci states for a second coreset id that corresponds to a second trp. the ue may update spatial relation information for the ue based at least in part on the first mac-ce. the ue may receive signals from the first or second trp using the updated spatial relation information. numerous other aspects are described.

20240178983.BANDWIDTH PART SWITCHING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Anuj Vyas of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ashutosh Gupta of Gangapur City (IN) for qualcomm incorporated, Harinath Reddy Patel of Hyderabad (IN) for qualcomm incorporated, Neeraj Panwar of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Pankaj Shivcharan Gupta of Hyderabad (IN) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04L5/00

Abstract: methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. in some systems, a base station may configure a user equipment (ue) with a first-active bandwidth part (bwp). the first-active bwp may correspond to a subset of a channel bandwidth. retuning one or more components (e.g., radio frequency (rf) components) to the first-active bwp at the ue may involve a relatively significant delay. to avoid missing communications while tuning to the first-active bwp, the ue may initially tune to the channel bandwidth. the ue may identify a next-available time resource for retuning to the first-active bwp, where the next-available time resource may be a portion of an off-duration of a discontinuous reception (drx) cycle or a portion of a measurement gap. the ue may use the time resource to retune to the first-active bwp while the ue is configured to reduce communications with a serving base station.

20240178985.PER SYMBOL/SLOT-TYPE BEAM CONFIGURATION_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Qian ZHANG of Basking Ridge NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Yan ZHOU of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Muhammad Sayed Khairy ABDELGHAFFAR of San Jose CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Tao LUO of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04L5/14, H04W72/044

Abstract: various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. in some aspects, a network node (nn) may perform a communication, of a downlink (dl) communication or an uplink (ul) communication, during a first slot or symbol. the nn may perform the communication during a second slot or symbol in addition to during the first slot or symbol, wherein a communication parameter of the communication during the first slot or symbol is different from a communication parameter of the communication during the second slot or symbol based at least in part on the first slot or symbol and the second slot or symbol being associated with sub-band full duplex (sbfd) communication or dynamic time division duplex (tdd) communication. numerous other aspects are described.

20240179032.PRECODER ESTIMATION_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Yaniv EISTEIN of Tel Aviv (IL) for qualcomm incorporated, Ronen SHAKED of Kfar Saba (IL) for qualcomm incorporated, Aviv REGEV of Tel Aviv (IL) for qualcomm incorporated, Lev ZAVUROV of Yeruham (IL) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04L25/02, H04L5/00

Abstract: various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. in some aspects, a user equipment (ue) may receive, from a network node, an indication of a slot to be associated with precoder estimation, the indication of the slot including an indication of a first precoder and one or more parameters associated with the slot. the ue may receive, from the network node and during the slot, a first one or more reference signals associated with estimating a physical channel using the first precoder and a second one or more reference signals associated with estimating a second precoder using the estimated physical channel. the ue may receive, from the network node, one or more signals based on the second precoder. numerous other aspects are described.


Inventor(s): Ahmed ELSHAFIE of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Muhammad Sayed Khairy ABDELGHAFFAR of San Jose CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ahmed Attia ABOTABL of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Abdelrahman Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed IBRAHIM of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04L27/26, H04L1/00

Abstract: aspects described herein relate to modifying data for input to a discrete fourier transform (dft) so a set of resource elements (res) output from the dft for transmission in a communication direction includes one or more punctured res corresponding to reference signals received in a different communication direction, performing the dft for the data to generate the set of res, mapping at least a portion of the set of res to one or more symbols to generate a signal, and transmitting the signal in the communication direction. other aspects relate to receiving the signal and decoding the data.

20240179099.TIMING ADJUSTMENT IN NON-TERRESTRIAL WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Bharat Shrestha of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiao Feng Wang of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Umesh Phuyal of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Alberto Rico Alvarino of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Liangping Ma of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04L47/283, H04B7/185

Abstract: methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described in which ues may communicate with satellites and base stations or gateways in a non-terrestrial network (ntn). due to the large distances between transmitting devices and receiving devices in a ntn, timing adjustments to account for propagation delay communications links via a satellite may include a propagation delay between a ue and a satellite, a propagation delay between a base station and a satellite, as well as a variation in the propagation delays due to movement of the satellite. in accordance with various techniques discussed herein, a ue may account for variation in propagation delay, in addition to determined propagation delay, when determining an uplink timing for uplink communications via a satellite.

20240179192.SHARED MEDIA_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Andrew John LAISTER of Cambridge (GB) for qualcomm incorporated, John TURNER of Ely (GB) for qualcomm incorporated, Miran CHUN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaoxin ZHANG of Sunnyvale CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04L65/1069, H04L65/402, H04W8/00

Abstract: a first device includes one or more processors configured to determine, based on one or more wireless signals, a candidate device list identifying one or more devices that are within a communication range of one or more sensing devices. the one or more processors are further configured to, based on a determination to initiate a shared media session with a second device of the candidate device list, receive a media stream including particular media content from a remote media service while the particular media content is being sent from the remote media service to the second device. the one or more processors are further configured to, based on the determination to initiate the shared media session, cause the particular media content to be output, based on synchronization information, contemporaneous with output of the particular media content at the second device.


Inventor(s): Yan Zhang of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Han Huang of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Vadim Seregin of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Marta Karczewicz of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04N19/52, H04N19/105, H04N19/139, H04N19/176, H04N19/70

Abstract: a video coder is configured to receive a first block of video data to be coded using adaptive affine decoder side motion vector refinement (dmvr). the video coder may determine to set a first motion vector difference (mvd) for a first reference picture list to zero, and then refine control point motion vectors (cpmvs) associated with a second reference picture list to generate refined cpmvs. the video coder may then code the first block of video data using the refined cpmvs.

20240179382.SYSTEMS AND METHODS OF IMAGING WITH MULTI-DOMAIN IMAGE SENSOR_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Prakasha NAYAK of Parkala (IN) for qualcomm incorporated, Nikhil VERMA of Bangalore (IN) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04N23/11, H04N23/67, H04N23/73, H04N23/88, H04N23/951

Abstract: imaging systems and techniques are described. an imaging system includes a multi-domain image sensor that is sensitive to a first electromagnetic frequency domain (e.g., visible light) and a second electromagnetic frequency domain (e.g., infrared). the imaging system blends images of a scene to generate a blended image of the scene that represents the scene according to the first electromagnetic frequency domain. at least one image of the images is captured using a first image capture setting (e.g., a first iso). the imaging system reduces pixel values in the blended image by adjustment values to generate an output image. the adjustment values are based on a representation of the scene according to a second em frequency domain from an additional image of the scene that is captured using a second image capture setting (e.g., a second iso).

20240179422.AUXILIARY ENGINE FOR HARDWARE VIRTUALIZATION_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Abhijeet DEY of Bengaluru (IN) for qualcomm incorporated, Animesh BEHERA of Bengaluru (IN) for qualcomm incorporated, Joby ABRAHAM of Bangalore (IN) for qualcomm incorporated, Amrit Anand AMRESH of Bangalore (IN) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04N23/80

Abstract: techniques are described herein for processing data. for instance, a process can include receiving input data by a symmetrical processing engine of two or more symmetrical processing engines coupled to an auxiliary processing engine. the process can further include receiving an indication to process the input data using a module of the auxiliary processing engine, transmitting output data to the auxiliary processing engine, receiving processed data from the auxiliary processing engine, further processing the processed data in one or more portions of a pipeline of modules of the symmetrical processing engine, and outputting the further processed data.

20240179425.IMAGE SENSOR WITH MULTIPLE IMAGE READOUT_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Micha GALOR GLUSKIN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ying NOYES of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ho Sang LEE of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04N23/88, H04N25/78

Abstract: systems and techniques are described for imaging. for instance a process can include obtaining a first image captured using a first portion of an image sensor. the process can further include obtaining a second image captured using a second portion of the image sensor, wherein the second portion is different from the first portion, determining an image capture setting based on the second image, and applying the image capture setting to the first image.

20240179465.Linearizer Circuits and Methods for Audio Switches_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Chienchung YANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Khaled Mahmoud ABDELFATTAH ALY of Irvine CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Vijayakumar DHANASEKARAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04R5/04, H03F1/32, H03F3/185

Abstract: a wireless device may include a plug that is shared by high speed data, analog audio signals, and power. switches may be included on wires between the plug and the circuits that provide the high-speed data, analog audio signals and power to isolate those circuits from overvoltage conditions. linearizer circuits may be included to provide gate driving signals to the switches, e.g., during transmission of analog audio signals. the linearizer circuits may include digital-to-analog converters to apply a gain factor to analog audio signals.

20240179492.ENHANCED VULNERABLE ROAD USER (VRU) PREDICTION THROUGH CLOUD-BASED PROCESSING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Dan VASSILOVSKI of Del Mar CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W4/024, G08G1/16, H04W4/44

Abstract: disclosed are systems, apparatuses, processes, and computer-readable media for wireless communications. for example, a network device can receive a message comprising vulnerable road unit (vru) information corresponding to a vru. the network device can further determine a path prediction for the vru based on the vru information and stored vru information corresponding to the vru.


Inventor(s): Kuo-Chun LEE of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Qingxin CHEN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Arvind Vardarajan SANTHANAM of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Reza SHAHIDI of La Jolla CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Shanshan WANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Liangchi HSU of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Rishav REJ of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ie-Hong LIN of Cupertino CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Karthik VENKATRAM of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Subashini KRISHNAMURTHY of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Sudeep JAIN of Fremont CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Amit JAIN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Tom CHIN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W8/18, H04W8/02, H04W64/00

Abstract: a method for of wireless communication, by a multi-subscription user equipment (ue) includes selecting a first subscription to receive a positioning system information broadcast (possib) based on a first subscription state and a second subscription state. the method also includes receiving the possib via the first subscription. the ue may switch from the first subscription to a second subscription to receive a subsequent possib, in response to the second subscription state changing and/or the first subscription state changing. the state switching may be between connected mode and inactive/idle mode, or between voice service and data service.

20240179549.BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Mohammad Tarek Fahim of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Srinivas Yerramalli of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaojie Wang of Hillsborough NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jing Sun of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W24/10, H04W56/00

Abstract: this disclosure provides systems, methods, and devices for wireless communication that support backscatter-based positioning. in a first aspect, a method of wireless communication includes receiving, from a first transmission/receiving point (trp), a first measurement report associated with a positioning session for a tag device. the method further includes receiving, from a second trp, a second measurement report. the method also includes determining a position of the tag device based on the first measurement report, the second measurement report, and line of sight information associated with a line of sight between the first trp and the second trp. other aspects and features are also claimed and described.

20240179554.NW ASSISTANCE FOR MEASUREMENT AND MOBILITY ENHANCEMENT_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Jing LEI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Yong LI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Konstantinos DIMOU of New York NY (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W24/10, H04W36/00, H04W36/32, H04W64/00

Abstract: a method for wireless communication at a source node and related apparatus are provided. in the method, the source node receives a user equipment (ue) request for an on-demand allocation of mobility measurement resources or mobility reporting resources for a ue, and provides a configuration, allocation, or activation for the mobility measurement resources or the mobility reporting resources in response to the ue request.

20240179572.DYNAMIC RATE MATCHING PATTERNS FOR SPECTRUM SHARING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Ming Yang of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Kausik Ray Chaudhuri of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Juan Montojo of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W28/12, H04B17/345, H04W16/14

Abstract: methods, systems, and devices for dynamic rate matching patterns for spectrum sharing are described. in some examples, a user equipment (ue) may measure one or more interference levels associated with resources of a physical resource block (e.g., interference levels associated with respective subcarriers or other division in the frequency domain, with respective symbol durations or other division in the time domain, or a combination thereof), and determine a rate matching pattern based on the interference level measurements. in some examples, the rate matching pattern may include a pattern of resources for communications between the ue and a base station (e.g., for downlink communications). the ue may transmit an indication of the rate matching pattern to the base station, and the base station may schedule or transmit one or more subsequent downlink transmissions based at least in part on the indication of the rate matching pattern received from the ue.

20240179591.EFFICIENT CONFIGURING OF A NON-TERRESTRIAL NETWORK CONNECTION_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Lianghai JI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Huilin XU of Temecula CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Liangping MA of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Weimin DUAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jun MA of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Mohamad SAYED HASSAN of Paris (FR) for qualcomm incorporated, Mehmet Izzet GURELLI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Qiang WU of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Karthik ANANTHA SWAMY of La Jolla CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W36/08, H04W76/10

Abstract: various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. in some aspects, a user equipment (ue) may communicate in a network based at least in part on using a first connection configuration. the ue may communicate in the network based at least in part using a second connection configuration instead of the first connection configuration. the ue may autonomously switch to reusing the first connection configuration for communicating in the network based at least in part on the first connection configuration being stored at the ue. numerous other aspects are described.

20240179599.MOBILITY ENHANCEMENTS AND POWER SAVING FOR USER EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATION_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Jing LEI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Peter Pui Lok ANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Tingfang JI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W36/30

Abstract: apparatuses and methods for mobility enhancements and power saving considerations for ue are described. an apparatus is configured to operate on an active dl bwp in a source node, where the active dl bwp is not a default dl bwp associated with the ue, and start a bwp inactivity timer at the ue that triggers a bwp switch from an active dl bwp to the default dl bwp after the bwp inactivity timer expires at a first expiration time. the apparatus is also configured to report a measurement of at least one of the source node or a target node, and start a mobility reception timer based on a condition associated with at least one of the measurement of the source node being below a first signal quality threshold or the measurement of the target node being above a second signal quality threshold.

20240179602.LOWER LAYER TRIGGERED MOBILITY-BASED RADIO LINK FAILURE OPERATIONS_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Jelena DAMNJANOVIC of Del Mar CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Tao LUO of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Naeem AKL of Bridgewater NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W36/30, H04W36/00, H04W36/08

Abstract: various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. in some aspects, a user equipment (ue) may receive configuration information corresponding to a lower layer triggered mobility (ltm) operation associated with an ltm configured cell set, the configuration information indicating a group of candidate cells, of the ltm configured cell set, corresponding to a set of ltm-based radio link failure (rlf) conditions for declaring an rlf associated with a source cell. the ue may perform an rlf operation based on the set of ltm-based rlf conditions. numerous other aspects are described.

20240179628.TECHNIQUES FOR SENSING WAKEUP SIGNAL_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Marwen Zorgui of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ahmed Elshafie of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ahmed Attia Abotabl of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Diana Maamari of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W52/02

Abstract: methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. a user equipment (ue) may receive control signaling from a network entity indicating one or more parameters for a wakeup signal (wus) associated with a sensing reference signal. the ue may monitor for the wus during one or more sensing wus (s-wus) monitoring occasions. the network entity may transmit the wus based on the one or more parameters to the ue, where the ue is operating in an idle mode. the ue may communicate the sensing reference signal based on the wus. the s-wus may be configured as a separate signal from a standard wus used for data communications, or a portion of a field of a wus used for data communications may be used to indicate sensing information. for example, the s-wus may use unused or additional bits of the wus.

20240179629.CONFIGURATION FOR UNGROUPED WAKE UP SIGNAL AND GROUP WAKE UP SIGNAL_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Le LIU of San Jose CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Alberto RICO ALVARINO of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Mungal Singh DHANDA of Slough (GB) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W52/02, H04L5/00

Abstract: the present disclosure relates to transmitting and receiving a group wake-up signal (wus) in conjunction with an ungrouped wus. a base station may group one or more ues in a ue group, while other ues may not be assigned to a ue group. the configuration of wus resources and wus sequences for grouped ues and other ues is a challenge. the base station may transmit, to one or more ues in the ue group, a resource allocation of a group wus resource within a set of wus resources associated with a paging occasion that is assigned to the one or more ues in the ue group. a ue, after receiving the resource allocation, may determine a location of the group wus resource within the set of wus resources. the ue may monitor for a group wus at the determined location in the resource allocation of the group wus resource.


Inventor(s): Hamed PEZESHKI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Tao LUO of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Sony AKKARAKARAN of Poway CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W52/14, G06N20/00, H04W52/24, H04W52/54, H04W72/20

Abstract: various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. in some aspects, a user equipment (ue) may receive, from a base station, a federated learning configuration comprising an indication of a power control loop for providing an update associated with a machine learning component, wherein the power control loop facilitates receiving the update at a received power that satisfies a received power condition associated with an over-the-air update aggregation procedure. the ue may transmit the update to the base station based at least in part on the federated learning configuration. numerous other aspects are provided.


Inventor(s): Marwen ZORGUI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Mohammed Ali Mohammed HIRZALLAH of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaoxia ZHANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W64/00

Abstract: in an aspect, a network node may obtain a plurality of radio frequency fingerprint positioning (rffp) measurements associated with a transmission-reception point (trp). the network node may obtain a position estimate of the trp based on applying a positioning model to the plurality of rffp measurements.

20240179664.POSITIONING FUSION BASED ON INFORMATION FROM SIDELINK DEVICE_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Shuanshuan WU of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Shailesh PATIL of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Gene Wesley MARSH of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Arthur GUBESKYS of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Kapil GULATI of Belle Mead NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Hong CHENG of Basking Ridge NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W64/00

Abstract: disclosed are techniques for wireless communication. in an aspect, a wireless device may receive one or more parameters from a roadside unit (rsu) via sidelink communication between the wireless device and the rsu, the one or more parameters indicating one or more characteristics regarding a sidelink positioning operation with the rsu or regarding a surrounding environment of the rsu. the wireless device may determine a whether or how to use a result of the sidelink positioning operation with the rsu with a result of a positioning estimation procedure of the wireless device based on the one or more parameters.

20240179665.MOVING ANCHOR NODES FOR POSITIONING OPERATIONS_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Sony AKKARAKARAN of Poway CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Tao LUO of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Junyi LI of Fairless Hills PA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jingchao BAO of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Thomas Joseph RICHARDSON of South Orange NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Juan MONTOJO of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Wanshi CHEN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W64/00, G01S5/02

Abstract: disclosed are techniques for wireless communication. in an aspect, one or more processing devices may identify a set of candidate anchor nodes based on a target node. the one or more processing devices may identify a set of candidate anchor locations based on location information of the target node, location information of the set of candidate anchor nodes, mobility capabilities of the set of candidate anchor nodes, or a combination thereof. the one or more processing devices may instruct at least a subset of the set of candidate anchor nodes to move based on the set of candidate anchor locations. the one or more processing devices may configure the set of candidate anchor nodes and the target node to engage in positioning operations at a positioning time to determine a position estimation of the target node.

20240179666.BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Xiaojie Wang of Hillsborough NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jing Sun of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Mohammad Tarek Fahim of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Srinivas Yerramalli of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W64/00, G01S13/75

Abstract: this disclosure provides systems, methods, and devices for wireless communication that support backscatter-based positioning. in a first aspect, a method of wireless communication includes receiving a tag device indicator that indicates a tag capability of a tag device. the method also includes generating a tag configuration associated with transmission of a backscatter signal based on a positioning reference signal (prs). the tag configuration indicates a frequency shifting parameter based on a frequency shifting capability of a tag device, a phase scrambling parameter based on a phase scrambling capability of the tag device, or a combination thereof. the method further includes transmitting the tag configuration. other aspects and features are also claimed and described.


Inventor(s): Alexandros MANOLAKOS of Escondido CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Weimin DUAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Krishna Kiran MUKKAVILLI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Tingfang JI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Naga BHUSHAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W64/00, H04B7/04, H04L5/00, H04W72/231, H04W76/20

Abstract: disclosed are techniques for wireless positioning. in an aspect, a user equipment (ue) engages in a positioning session or a sensing session and receives, from a network entity, assistance data for at least one positioning reference signal (prs) resource transmitted by a transmission point, the assistance data including a prs resource location field indicating a geographic location of the transmission point, the assistance data further including reflection point object (rpo) information for at least one rpo that is capable of reflecting a waveform associated with the at least one prs resource, the rpo information including at least location information for the at least one rpo.


Inventor(s): Sooryanarayanan GOPALAKRISHNAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jay Kumar SUNDARARAJAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Alexandros MANOLAKOS of Escondido CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Naga BHUSHAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Taesang YOO of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Krishna Kiran MUKKAVILLI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Weimin DUAN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Tingfang JI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W64/00

Abstract: disclosed are techniques for positioning. in an aspect, a network node receives, from a network entity, one or more parameters for a neural network, performs one or more measurements of at least one reference signal from a target user equipment (ue) based on a measurement configuration for the at least one reference signal, generates one or more statistics of one or more features of the at least one reference signal based on the neural network and the one or more measurements, and reports the one or more statistics to the network entity to enable the network entity to estimate a location of the target ue based on the one or more statistics and a location of the network node.

20240179696.SEMI-PERSISTENTLY SCHEDULED RATE-SPLITTING COMMUNICATIONS_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Marwen Zorgui of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ahmed Attia Abotabl of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Ahmed Elshafie of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Wanshi Chen of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W72/11, H04W72/0446, H04W72/0453, H04W72/566

Abstract: methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. generally, the proposed techniques provide for a semi-persistent design for communicating rate-split messages from a network entity to multiple user equipments (ues). the network entity may transmit control information to one or more ues indicating encoding information for receipt of one or more downlink messages to be communicated during respective downlink occasions, which may be configured for rate-split communications. thus, a first ue may be made aware of one or more semi-persistent downlink occasions via which respective downlink messages (e.g., respective to each downlink occasion) are to be encoded into a common portion and a private portion. in some cases, the common portion may be common with other downlink messages (e.g., intended for other ues) and the private portion may be specific to the first ue. the first ue may then decode the rate-split downlink messages according to the encoding information.

20240179698.DYNAMIC UPDATING OF SUBBAND FULL DUPLEX SLOTS AND SYMBOLS_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Qian ZHANG of Basking Ridge NJ (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Muhammad Sayed Khairy ABDELGHAFFAR of San Jose CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Yan ZHOU of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Tao LUO of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W72/12, H04L5/14, H04W72/04

Abstract: wireless communications systems, apparatuses, and methods are provided. a method of wireless communication performed by a user equipment (ue) includes receiving, from a network unit, a first configuration indicating time location and frequency location for a network side subband full duplex (sbfd) mode of operation, wherein the time location indicates at least one sbfd symbol or slot (sbfd symbol/slot) format and the frequency location indicates a plurality of downlink and uplink subbands or a plurality of uplink subbands and guard bands and receiving, from the network unit, a second configuration indicating a change from the at least one sbfd symbol/slot format to a different sbfd symbol/slot format.

20240179701.POWER CONTROL BASED ON SEMI-STATIC DIRECTION FOR DUAL CONNECTIVITY_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Kazuki TAKEDA of Minato-ku (JP) for qualcomm incorporated, Kianoush HOSSEINI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W72/1268, H04L5/00, H04W52/34, H04W72/23

Abstract: methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. a user equipment (ue) may identify a maximum transmission power for an uplink transmission on a first cell of a first cell group (cg) based on a direction of communications (e.g., uplink, downlink, or flexible) with a separate cell of a second cg during a same duration of the uplink transmission and within a same first frequency range, where the direction of communications is either an actual direction or an assumed direction. the ue may receive an uplink grant scheduling the uplink transmission during a symbol and within the first frequency range, determine the maximum transmission power for the ue based on the direction of communications for the separate cell during the symbol and within the first frequency range, and subsequently transmit the uplink transmission in accordance with the maximum transmission power.

20240179711.INDICATION OF SIDELINK PROCESS FOR SIDELINK FEEDBACK_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Yisheng XUE of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Jing SUN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Chih-Hao LIU of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Xiaoxia ZHANG of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W72/20, H04L1/1812

Abstract: this disclosure provides systems, methods and apparatuses for indicating sidelink processes for sidelink feedback. a second user equipment (ue) may request hybrid automatic repeat request (harq) responses from a first ue for a particular set of sidelink processes over a physical sidelink feedback channel. to indicate multiple sidelink processes, the second ue may indicate, in sidelink control information, a window of sidelink processes. the window may be a sliding window that starts with a starting sidelink process and extends through other sidelink processes. the second ue may transmit data for the sidelink processes in the sliding window and receive feedback for the indicated sidelink processes. in some aspects, the first ue may select, in coordination with the second ue, the sidelink processes for which feedback is to be provided.

20240179714.FLEXIBLE CONTROL INFORMATION REPORTING_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Tao LUO of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W72/21, H04L1/1607, H04L1/1812, H04L1/1822, H04L1/1829, H04L5/00

Abstract: aspects of the present disclosure provide a mechanism for flexible control information reporting within a wireless communication network by mapping a plurality of hybrid automatic repeat request (harq) processes to respective locations in a payload format of an uplink control channel. in response to receiving a request to transmit acknowledgment information corresponding to one or more selected harq processes, the acknowledgment information corresponding to the one or more selected harq processes may be included in the respective locations of the payload of a current uplink control channel based on the mapping. a remaining portion of the payload of the current uplink control channel may be flexibly utilized for other control information.


Inventor(s): Jing LEI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Peter GAAL of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Pushp TRIKHA of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Murali MENON of Acton MA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Tingfang JI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Chao WEI of Beijing (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Wanshi CHEN of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Linhai HE of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Krishna Kiran MUKKAVILLI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W72/51, H04W72/0446

Abstract: certain aspects of the present disclosure provide techniques for slot format configuration. a method that may be performed by a user equipment (ue) includes sending a message to a base station (bs) with ue capability information indicating one or more capabilities of the ue. the method includes receiving signaling from the bs indicating a semi-static slot format configuration based on the ue capability information, the slot format configuration including one or more slot format patterns and a cyclic shift (cs) associated with one or more slot format patterns. the method includes communicating with the bs based on the semi-static slot format configuration and the cs.

20240179755.RANDOM ACCESS PARTITIONS FOR DIFFERENT USE CASES_simplified_abstract_(qualcomm incorporated)

Inventor(s): Linhai HE of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Peng CHENG of Beijing (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Jianhua LIU of Beijing (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Ruiming ZHENG of Beijing (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Jing LEI of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W74/0833

Abstract: various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. in some aspects, a user equipment (ue) may receive, from a base station, a message indicating a common pool of resources for a random access channel (rach). the ue may initiate a random access by transmitting, to the base station, a first rach preamble in a rach occasion within a subset of the common pool of resources. the subset is selected based at least in part on a use case that triggered the random access. in some aspects, the ue may transmit an initial rach preamble and/or a rach pay load in order to activate the subset. as an alternative, the ue may transmit an initial rach preamble and/or a rach payload in order to receive an indication of the subset for the use case that triggered the random access. numerous other aspects are described.


Inventor(s): Kangqi LIU of San Diego CA (US) for qualcomm incorporated, Qiaoyu LI of Beijing (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Chao WEI of Beijing (CN) for qualcomm incorporated, Hao XU of Beijing (CN) for qualcomm incorporated

IPC Code(s): H04W74/0833, H04B17/318, H04W56/00, H04W84/06

Abstract: various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. in some aspects, a user equipment (ue) may receive, from a base station, an indication of an air-to-ground (atg) dedicated random access channel (rach) configuration. the ue may communicate with the base station based at least in part on the atg dedicated rach configuration. numerous other aspects are described.

QUALCOMM Incorporated patent applications on May 30th, 2024