Photogrammetry patent applications on June 22nd, 2023
Patent Applications for Photogrammetry on June 22nd, 2023
Number of patent applications containing 'Photogrammetry' or its variations: 4
Organization: rooom AG
Inventor(s): Hans Elstner of Jena (DE) for rooom AG, Michael Bicker of Jena (DE) for rooom AG, Alexander Ramm of Jena (DE) for rooom AG
IPC Code(s): G01C11/02, G06T17/00, H04N9/73
Organization: Honeywell International Inc.
Inventor(s): Zhiguo REN of Shanghai (CN) for Honeywell International Inc., Alberto SPERANZON of Plymouth MN (US) for Honeywell International Inc., Carl DINS of Phoenix AZ (US) for Honeywell International Inc., Juan HU of Shanghai (CN) for Honeywell International Inc., Zhiyong DAI of Shanghai (CN) for Honeywell International Inc., Vijay VENKATARAMAN of Plymouth MN (US) for Honeywell International Inc.
IPC Code(s): G06T7/521, G06T17/10, G06T7/593
Organization: STREEM, LLC.
Inventor(s): Huapeng SU of San Jose CA (US) for STREEM, LLC.
IPC Code(s): G06T17/05, G06T7/70, G06T11/00, G06T7/543, G06T7/62, G06V10/94, G06T17/20, G06T7/10, G06T7/20, H04N5/232, G06V20/64, G01C11/00
Organization: National Tsing Hua University
Inventor(s): Chien-Chun CHEN of Hsinchu City (TW) for National Tsing Hua University
IPC Code(s): H04N13/254, H04N13/207, H04N13/106, G02B27/42