Panasonic intellectual property management co., ltd. (20240250309). LAMINATED BATTERY simplified abstract

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Organization Name

panasonic intellectual property management co., ltd.


EIICHI Koga of Hokkaido (JP)

LAMINATED BATTERY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240250309 titled 'LAMINATED BATTERY

The abstract describes a laminated battery with a first unit cell, a second unit cell, and a bonding layer between them, consisting of a conductor and an insulator. The first and second unit cells are electrically connected through the conductor.

  • The laminated battery includes a bonding layer with a conductor and an insulator.
  • The first and second unit cells are connected electrically via the conductor.
  • The design allows for efficient electrical connection between the unit cells.
  • The bonding layer enhances the overall performance and reliability of the battery.
  • This innovation improves the structural integrity and electrical conductivity of the laminated battery.

Potential Applications: - Electric vehicles - Portable electronic devices - Energy storage systems

Problems Solved: - Enhanced electrical connection between unit cells - Improved performance and reliability of the battery

Benefits: - Increased efficiency - Enhanced structural integrity - Improved overall performance and reliability

Commercial Applications: Title: "Innovative Laminated Battery Technology for Enhanced Performance" This technology can be used in electric vehicles, portable electronic devices, and energy storage systems, offering improved efficiency and reliability in various commercial applications.

Questions about Laminated Battery Technology: 1. How does the bonding layer with a conductor and an insulator improve the performance of the battery?

  - The bonding layer enhances the electrical connection between the unit cells, leading to improved efficiency and reliability.

2. What are the potential applications of this laminated battery technology?

  - This technology can be used in electric vehicles, portable electronic devices, and energy storage systems, among others.

Original Abstract Submitted

a laminated battery includes a first unit cell, a second unit cell, and a bonding layer disposed between the first unit cell and the second unit cell. the bonding layer includes a conductor and an insulator. the first unit cell and the second unit cell are electrically connected to each other via the conductor.