ORANGE (20240303034). Apparatus and method for rendering audio content as part of an interactive digital service simplified abstract

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Apparatus and method for rendering audio content as part of an interactive digital service

Organization Name



Chantal Guionnet of Chatillon Cedex (FR)

Sylvie Le Gac Cesbron of Chatillon Cedex (FR)

Sébastien Chevallier of Chatillon Cedex (FR)

Apparatus and method for rendering audio content as part of an interactive digital service - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240303034 titled 'Apparatus and method for rendering audio content as part of an interactive digital service

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method for rendering audio content as part of an interactive digital service using electronic devices embedded in audio rendering equipment.

  • Detecting user interactions with the rendering equipment.
  • Generating instructions for obtaining the next expected audio content.
  • Transmitting instructions to trigger the rendering of the next audio content.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Method for rendering audio content in interactive digital services.
  • User interaction detection for personalized content delivery.
  • Seamless transition between audio content based on user preferences.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in:

  • Streaming services for personalized audio content delivery.
  • Interactive audiobooks or podcasts for customized user experiences.
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality applications for immersive audio experiences.

Problems Solved

  • Personalized content delivery based on user interactions.
  • Seamless transition between different audio content.
  • Enhanced user engagement in interactive digital services.


  • Improved user experience with personalized audio content.
  • Increased user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Efficient delivery of relevant audio content based on user preferences.

Commercial Applications

Title: Personalized Audio Content Delivery Technology This technology can be utilized in:

  • Streaming platforms for enhanced user engagement.
  • Educational platforms for interactive audio learning experiences.
  • Entertainment industry for customized audio content delivery.

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior art related to personalized audio content delivery, interactive digital services, and user interaction detection in audio rendering equipment.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on research related to personalized audio content delivery, interactive digital services, and user engagement in audio experiences.

Questions about Personalized Audio Content Delivery Technology

How does this technology enhance user engagement in digital services?

This technology enhances user engagement by providing personalized audio content based on user interactions, leading to a more immersive and tailored experience.

What are the potential market implications of this technology?

The market implications include increased user satisfaction, higher engagement rates, and potential growth in the personalized audio content delivery industry.

Original Abstract Submitted

a method for rendering an audio content as part of an interactive digital service, implemented by an electronic audio content rendering device embedded in an audio content rendering equipment. the method includes, after obtaining and rendering an audio content: detecting an interaction between a user and the rendering equipment; and, in response to the detecting, generating and transmitting at least one instruction to an electronic audio content provision device so that it determines at least one parameter to obtain a next audio content expected by the user as part of the digital service; and transmitting the instruction triggering the rendering of the next audio content.