Nytell Software LLC (20240214360). System and Method for Authorized Digital Content Distribution simplified abstract

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System and Method for Authorized Digital Content Distribution

Organization Name

Nytell Software LLC


David J. Marples of Mansfield (GB)

John R. Wullert, Ii of Martinsville NJ (US)

System and Method for Authorized Digital Content Distribution - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240214360 titled 'System and Method for Authorized Digital Content Distribution

    • Simplified Explanation:**

A digital content distribution system uses a digital rights management controller to facilitate the transfer of encrypted content between users.

    • Key Features and Innovation:**
  • Digital rights management controller performs tests on transfer requests
  • Encryption key provided to transferring user for content encryption
  • Hash verification ensures content integrity during transfer
  • Transfer completion confirmation through hash comparison
  • Central records updated upon successful transfer
    • Potential Applications:**

This technology can be used in various industries such as entertainment, software distribution, and secure file sharing platforms.

    • Problems Solved:**

This technology addresses the issues of unauthorized content distribution, content integrity verification during transfer, and secure encryption key management.

    • Benefits:**
  • Secure transfer of digital content
  • Content integrity verification
  • Efficient management of encryption keys
  • Centralized record keeping for transfer history
    • Commercial Applications:**

Secure content distribution platforms, digital media streaming services, software distribution platforms, and secure file sharing applications can benefit from this technology.

    • Prior Art:**

Prior art related to this technology may include existing digital rights management systems, encryption key management solutions, and content transfer verification methods.

    • Frequently Updated Research:**

Research on advancements in digital rights management, encryption technologies, and content transfer protocols may be relevant to this technology.

    • Questions about Digital Content Distribution System:**

1. How does the digital rights management controller ensure the integrity of the transferred content? 2. What are the potential implications of this technology on the digital content distribution industry?

Original Abstract Submitted

a digital content distribution system uses a digital rights management controller that performs a set of arbitrary tests against the transfer request from one user to another such as user a to user b. assuming these tests are successful, the drm sends an encryption key to transferring user a. this encryption key e is taken from a table of encryption key/hash pairs which have been provided to the drm controller by an external authority such as the content rights holder. user a encrypts the content using they key provided by the drm controller and then optionally calculates a hash over the encrypted form of the content e(x) and returns this value to the drm controller. on checking the returned hash against the hash from the table the drm controller knows that user a does indeed have the digital content x in good condition. the drm controller then instructs both users a and b that the transfer may proceed. the encrypted form of the content e(x) is transferred from a to b. once the content transfer has completed b ensures that the received content has been physically written to non-volatile storage (to account for crashes etc. during the next step). b then calculates a hash over the received content and returns this value to the drm controller. if this value matches the value previously given then the transfer has been successful and the drm controller updates whatever central records are appropriate, while also returning a decrypt key to b to allow it to decrypt the content.