Murata manufacturing co., ltd. (20240297634). ACOUSTIC WAVE DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

murata manufacturing co., ltd.


Katsuya Daimon of Nagaokakyo-shi (JP)

ACOUSTIC WAVE DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240297634 titled 'ACOUSTIC WAVE DEVICE

The abstract describes an acoustic wave device with a support substrate, a piezoelectric layer, an IDT electrode, and a mass-adding film. An acoustic reflector overlaps part of the IDT electrode, with specific dimensions and regions defined within the device.

  • The device includes a support substrate, a piezoelectric layer, an IDT electrode, and a mass-adding film.
  • An acoustic reflector overlaps part of the IDT electrode in a specific stacking direction.
  • The device has a defined thickness (d) and center-to-center distance between electrode fingers (p).
  • Specific regions like crossing regions and gap regions are identified within the device.
  • The mass-adding film overlaps the gap region and is located on the second main surface of the piezoelectric layer.

Potential Applications: - Acoustic wave sensors - Ultrasonic imaging devices - Non-destructive testing equipment

Problems Solved: - Improved acoustic wave transmission - Enhanced device sensitivity - Precise control of acoustic wave propagation

Benefits: - Higher quality acoustic wave signals - Increased device efficiency - Enhanced performance in various applications

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Acoustic Wave Device for Improved Sensing Technology This technology can be utilized in industries such as healthcare, automotive, and manufacturing for applications like medical imaging, structural health monitoring, and material inspection.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the mass-adding film contribute to the performance of the acoustic wave device? 2. What are the specific advantages of the defined dimensions and regions within the device?

Original Abstract Submitted

an acoustic wave device includes a support including a support substrate, a piezoelectric layer on the support, and an idt electrode including busbars and electrode fingers, and a mass-adding film on the piezoelectric layer. in plan view as seen in a stacking direction in which the support and the piezoelectric layer are stacked, an acoustic reflector overlaps at least a portion of the idt electrode. d/p is less than or equal to about 0.5, where d is a thickness of the piezoelectric layer and p is a center-to-center distance between adjacent electrode fingers. a region in which adjacent electrode fingers overlap each other when seen from an electrode-finger-facing direction is a crossing region. regions between the crossing region and the pair of busbars include first and second gap regions. the mass-adding film overlaps the gap region in plan view and is on the second main surface of the piezoelectric layer.