Murata manufacturing co., ltd. (20240186068). MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITOR simplified abstract

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Organization Name

murata manufacturing co., ltd.


Yuta Oshima of Nagaokakyo-shi (JP)

Shinya Isota of Nagaokakyo-shi (JP)

Sho Watanabe of Nagaokakyo-shi (JP)

MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240186068 titled 'MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITOR

Simplified Explanation:

The patent application describes a multilayer ceramic capacitor with unique dielectric particles and inner layer structure for improved performance.

  • The capacitor includes an element body with outer electrodes connected to inner electrode layers.
  • The dielectric material contains barium, titanium, rare earth elements, and additional elements.
  • The inner layer portion of the element body has core-shell particles and solid solution particles.
  • The ratio of core-shell particles to solid solution particles is between 0.8 to 1.5, with a low variation in additional element concentration.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Unique dielectric composition with rare earth elements and additional elements.
  • Core-shell and solid solution particles in the inner layer structure.
  • Controlled ratio and variation in particle composition for enhanced performance.

Potential Applications:

The technology can be used in various electronic devices requiring capacitors, such as smartphones, laptops, and power supplies.

Problems Solved:

  • Improved capacitor performance and reliability.
  • Enhanced dielectric properties for better energy storage.


  • Higher efficiency in electronic devices.
  • Longer lifespan of capacitors.
  • Improved overall performance of electronic systems.

Commercial Applications:

The technology can be applied in the manufacturing of consumer electronics, industrial equipment, and automotive systems, leading to more reliable and efficient products in the market.

Prior Art:

There may be existing patents or research on multilayer ceramic capacitors with different dielectric materials and structures, but the specific combination described in this patent application appears to be novel.

Frequently Updated Research:

Ongoing research in ceramic materials and capacitor technology may lead to further advancements in dielectric properties and performance of capacitors.

Questions about Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors:

Question 1: How does the unique dielectric composition in this capacitor improve its performance compared to traditional capacitors?

The unique combination of barium, titanium, rare earth elements, and additional elements in the dielectric material enhances the capacitor's energy storage capabilities and overall efficiency.

Question 2: What are the potential challenges in manufacturing capacitors with core-shell and solid solution particles in the inner layer structure?

The precise control of particle ratios and concentrations may pose challenges in large-scale manufacturing processes, requiring advanced quality control measures to ensure consistent performance across all capacitors.

Original Abstract Submitted

a multilayer ceramic capacitor includes an element body portion and a pair of outer electrodes on first and second end surfaces and connected to inner electrode layers. the element body portion includes first and second side margin portions, and first and second outer layer portions, and an inner layer portion. a dielectric includes dielectric particles including barium and titanium, and, as sub-components, rare earth elements, and one or more first additional elements. in a cross section crossing a center in a length direction, dielectric layers included in an inner layer portion include core-shell particles and uniform solid solution particles. a ratio of average areas occupied by the core-shell particles and the uniform solid solution particles is about 0.8 to about 1.5, and a coefficient of variation of a first additional element concentration in the uniform solid solution particles is equal to or less than about 20%.