Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (20240399999). CONTROL DEVICE

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Organization Name

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation


Toshiki Ikegashira of Tokyo (JP)

Hiroshi Okuyama of Tokyo (JP)

Yusuke Seto of Tokyo (JP)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240399999 titled 'CONTROL DEVICE

Original Abstract Submitted

a control device to detect abnormality of a control target, even when there is a cyber-security attack, and to control it safely. the control device includes a monitoring determination unit for determining whether the list is changed or not changed when communications data is received earlier before a predetermined time when a state of the control target is changed over, in accordance with a relationship between state transition information of a control target acquired by a state acquisition unit and a list of communications data at a normal time stored in a storage unit; a communications monitoring unit—for monitoring communications data corresponding to the list of a control target determined by the monitoring determination unit; and an abnormality determination unit for comparing a monitoring result of the communications monitoring unit with the list, and determining whether unauthorized data is caused or not.