Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (20240231312). NUMERICAL CONTROL DEVICE AND NUMERICAL CONTROL METHOD simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation


Seiji Uozumi of Tokyo (JP)

Nobuyuki Sumi of Tokyo (JP)

Shun Kayashima of Tokyo (JP)

NUMERICAL CONTROL DEVICE AND NUMERICAL CONTROL METHOD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240231312 titled 'NUMERICAL CONTROL DEVICE AND NUMERICAL CONTROL METHOD

The abstract describes a patent application for a device that combines additive and subtractive manufacturing processes to produce shaped objects. The device includes units for controlling the manufacturing processes, analyzing the machining status of the object, and generating process conditions.

  • The device controls both additive and subtractive manufacturing processes.
  • It analyzes the machining status of the shaped object using sensor data.
  • It can switch production processes based on the analysis of the machining status.
  • It determines process conditions for the production process after switching based on previous conditions.
  • The device optimizes the manufacturing process by adjusting production conditions.

Potential Applications: - Manufacturing industries - Prototyping and rapid production - Customized manufacturing processes

Problems Solved: - Efficiently combining additive and subtractive manufacturing processes - Optimizing production processes based on real-time analysis - Enhancing overall manufacturing efficiency

Benefits: - Improved production process control - Enhanced product quality - Increased manufacturing flexibility

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Manufacturing Device for Enhanced Production Control" This technology can be used in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, and medical devices for efficient and high-quality production processes.

Prior Art: Prior research in the field of additive and subtractive manufacturing processes can provide insights into similar technologies and advancements in the industry.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on the latest advancements in additive and subtractive manufacturing technologies to enhance production processes and efficiency.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the device analyze the machining status of the shaped object? - The device analyzes the machining status based on sensor data obtained during the manufacturing processes. 2. What are the potential benefits of switching production processes based on the analysis of the machining status? - Switching production processes can optimize manufacturing efficiency and enhance product quality.

Original Abstract Submitted

an nc device includes an additive manufacturing execution unit that controls an additive manufacturing process for producing a shaped object by stacking layers of a material melted, a subtractive manufacturing execution unit that controls a subtractive manufacturing process for cutting the shaped object using a tool, a status analysis unit that analyzes a machining status of the shaped object based on sensor data obtained by monitoring of the machining status of the shaped object produced by a combination of the additive and subtractive manufacturing processes, a production process change unit that outputs, to the additive and subtractive manufacturing execution units, a switching command that commands switching a production process, based on the analysis of the machining status, and a process condition generation unit that determines a process condition to be used in a production process after switching, based on a process condition used before the switching.