Microsoft technology licensing, llc (20240312140). SPLIT COMPUTE REPROJECTION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

microsoft technology licensing, llc


Christian Voss-wolff of Herzberg am Harz (DE)

SPLIT COMPUTE REPROJECTION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240312140 titled 'SPLIT COMPUTE REPROJECTION

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a computer-implemented method where a rendering device generates a depth image from a 3D model based on a predicted pose. The depth image is divided into tiles, and an error map is computed for each tile to represent geometric complexity and deviations from a plane. This error map is then sent to a display device.

  • Key Features and Innovation:
   - Computer-implemented method for rendering depth images from 3D models.
   - Division of depth image into tiles for analysis.
   - Computation of error map to represent geometric complexity and deviations.
   - Transmission of error map to display device for visualization.
  • Potential Applications:
   - Virtual reality and augmented reality applications.
   - 3D modeling and animation software.
   - Medical imaging for analyzing complex structures.
   - Robotics for object recognition and manipulation.
  • Problems Solved:
   - Efficient rendering of depth images from 3D models.
   - Accurate representation of geometric complexity.
   - Improved visualization of deviations from a plane.
  • Benefits:
   - Enhanced realism in virtual environments.
   - Precise analysis of complex geometries.
   - Increased accuracy in object recognition tasks.
  • Commercial Applications:
   - Virtual reality gaming platforms.
   - Medical imaging software.
   - Robotics and automation systems.
   - Architectural and engineering design tools.
  • Prior Art:
   - Researchers in computer graphics and computer vision may have explored similar techniques for analyzing geometric complexity in 3D models.
  • Frequently Updated Research:
   - Stay updated on advancements in computer vision algorithms for depth image rendering.
   - Monitor developments in display technologies for improved visualization of error maps.

Questions about depth image rendering technology:

1. How does the error map computation process contribute to the accuracy of depth image rendering?

   - The error map computation process helps identify and represent geometric complexities and deviations in the depth image, leading to more accurate visualizations.

2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology across different industries?

   - Implementing this technology across different industries may face challenges related to software compatibility, hardware requirements, and data processing capabilities.

Original Abstract Submitted

in various examples there is a computer-implemented method performed by a rendering device. a depth image is rendered from a 3d model according to a predicted pose. the depth image is divided into a plurality of tiles. an error map is computed comprising, for each tile of the plurality of tiles, a planar deviation error value that represents a geometric complexity of the tile and comprises an extent to which a geometry of the tile deviates from a plane. the error map, or information derived from the error map, is sent to a display device.