Microsoft technology licensing, llc (20240302181). MINING MAP DATA TO PREDICT TURN RESTRICTIONS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

microsoft technology licensing, llc


Ivan Webber of Redmond WA (US)

Marius Alexandru Marin of Bellevue WA (US)

Albert Tamazyan of Seattle WA (US)

Ming Tan of Bellevue WA (US)

MINING MAP DATA TO PREDICT TURN RESTRICTIONS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240302181 titled 'MINING MAP DATA TO PREDICT TURN RESTRICTIONS

The system described in the patent application automates the identification and prediction of turn restrictions using street-level imagery and machine learning models.

  • Utilizes street-level imagery to locate and recognize signs related to turn restrictions at intersections.
  • Employs a cascade of machine learning models to accurately predict whether identified signs impose turn restrictions.
  • Reduces human effort required to identify turn restrictions and improves the efficiency of expanding and updating electronic maps.
  • Enhances the experience for vehicle drivers relying on electronic maps for directions.

Potential Applications: - Navigation systems in vehicles - Traffic management systems - Urban planning and development

Problems Solved: - Streamlines the process of identifying turn restrictions - Enhances the accuracy of electronic maps - Improves overall navigation experience for drivers

Benefits: - Increased efficiency in identifying and predicting turn restrictions - Enhanced accuracy in electronic maps - Improved navigation experience for drivers

Commercial Applications: Title: Automated Turn Restriction Identification System This technology can be utilized by companies developing navigation systems, traffic management solutions, and urban planning tools to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of their products, ultimately improving the user experience.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the system use street-level imagery to identify turn restrictions? 2. What are the potential implications of this technology on urban planning and traffic management systems?

Original Abstract Submitted

disclosed herein is a system for mining map data to automatically identify and/or predict turn restrictions. the systems uses street-level imagery to recognize and locate posted signs (e.g., physical signs, electronic signs) that signal, or are in some way related to, a turn restriction at an intersection. then, the techniques use a cascade of machine learning models to accurately predict whether the recognized and located signs impose the turn restriction at the intersection. consequently, the human effort required to identify turn restrictions is greatly decreased, if not completely eliminated. furthermore, electronic maps can more efficiently be expanded and/or updated which improves the experience for vehicle drivers that reply upon the electronic maps for directions from original locations to destination locations.