Micron technology, inc. (20240244837). Memory Array and Methods Used in Forming a Memory Array simplified abstract

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Memory Array and Methods Used in Forming a Memory Array

Organization Name

micron technology, inc.


Luan C. Tran of Meridian ID (US)

Guangyu Huang of Boise ID (US)

Haitao Liu of Boise ID (US)

Memory Array and Methods Used in Forming a Memory Array - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240244837 titled 'Memory Array and Methods Used in Forming a Memory Array

The abstract of the patent application describes a method for forming a memory array using a complex structure of tiers and materials.

  • Conductive tier, insulator etch-stop tier, select gate tier, and vertically-alternating insulative tiers and wordline tiers are formed on a substrate.
  • Etching is done through the layers to create channel openings with individual bottoms made of the insulator etch-stop tier.
  • Channel material is deposited in the openings and electrically connected to the conductive tier.
  • The structure allows for efficient memory array formation.

Potential Applications: - Memory storage devices - Semiconductor manufacturing - Integrated circuits

Problems Solved: - Efficient memory array formation - Improved electrical connectivity - Enhanced performance of memory devices

Benefits: - Higher memory storage capacity - Faster data processing - Increased reliability of memory arrays

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Memory Array Formation Technology" This technology can be used in the production of memory chips for various electronic devices, leading to faster and more efficient data storage solutions. The market implications include improved performance of smartphones, computers, and other electronic gadgets.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior patents related to memory array formation techniques, semiconductor manufacturing, and integrated circuit design to understand the evolution of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in memory array formation techniques, semiconductor materials, and integrated circuit technologies to leverage the latest innovations in the field.

Questions about Memory Array Formation: 1. How does this technology compare to traditional memory array formation methods? This technology offers a more efficient and reliable way to create memory arrays compared to traditional methods by utilizing a complex structure of tiers and materials.

2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this memory array formation method on a large scale? Implementing this method on a large scale may require advanced manufacturing processes and precise control over the deposition and etching of materials to ensure uniformity and reliability in memory array production.

Original Abstract Submitted

a method used in forming a memory array, comprises forming a substrate comprising a conductive tier, an insulator etch-stop tier above the conductive tier, a select gate tier above the insulator etch-stop tier, and a stack comprising vertically-alternating insulative tiers and wordline tiers above the select gate tier. etching is conducted through the insulative tiers, the wordline tiers, and the select gate tier to and stopping on the insulator etch-stop tier to form channel openings that have individual bottoms comprising the insulator etch-stop tier. the insulator etch-stop tier is penetrated through to extend individual of the channel openings there-through to the conductive tier. channel material is formed in the individual channel openings elevationally along the insulative tiers, the wordline tiers, and the select gate tier and is directly electrically coupled with the conductive material in the conductive tier. structure independent of method is disclosed.