Micron technology, inc. (20240232011). TECHNIQUES FOR IMPROVED DATA TRANSFER simplified abstract

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Organization Name

micron technology, inc.


Jameer Mulani of Bangalore (IN)

Amiya Banerjee of Bangalore (IN)

Nitul Gohain of Bangalore (IN)

TECHNIQUES FOR IMPROVED DATA TRANSFER - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240232011 titled 'TECHNIQUES FOR IMPROVED DATA TRANSFER

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes methods, systems, and devices for improving data transfer in memory devices. It involves reading data units from one set of memory cells, decoding them, generating corrected data units, creating parity information, and writing the information to another set of memory cells.

  • Memory controller reads data units from one set of memory cells
  • Decodes and corrects data units if needed
  • Generates parity information
  • Writes corrected data units and parity information to another set of memory cells

Key Features and Innovation

  • Reading data units from memory cells
  • Decoding and correcting data units
  • Generating parity information
  • Writing corrected data units and parity information to memory cells

Potential Applications

This technology can be used in various memory devices such as solid-state drives, servers, and data centers to improve data transfer efficiency and reliability.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses issues related to data transfer errors, ensuring that data is accurately transferred and stored in memory devices.


  • Improved data transfer efficiency
  • Enhanced data reliability
  • Reduced data transfer errors

Commercial Applications

  • Solid-state drives
  • Servers
  • Data centers

Questions about the Technology

How does this technology improve data transfer efficiency?

This technology improves data transfer efficiency by reading, decoding, correcting, and writing data units and parity information in memory devices.

What are the potential applications of this technology beyond memory devices?

The technology can potentially be applied in various industries where data transfer reliability is crucial, such as telecommunications and automotive sectors.

Original Abstract Submitted

methods, systems, and devices for techniques for improved data transfer are described. as part of a data transfer operation from a first set of memory cells of a memory device to a second set of memory cells of the memory device, a memory controller of may read a set of data units from the first set of memory cells. the memory device may transmit the set of data units to the memory controller. the memory controller may decode the set of data units, and, in some cases, may generate one or more corrected data units. the memory controller may then generate parity information for the set of data units, and may encode and write the parity information, along with any corrected data units, to the second set of memory cells of the memory device without transferring the uncorrected data units.