Micron technology, inc. (20240231675). STATUS POLLING BASED ON DIE-GENERATED PULSED SIGNAL simplified abstract

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Organization Name

micron technology, inc.


Eric N. Lee of San Jose CA (US)

Dheeraj Srinivasan of San Jose CA (US)

STATUS POLLING BASED ON DIE-GENERATED PULSED SIGNAL - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240231675 titled 'STATUS POLLING BASED ON DIE-GENERATED PULSED SIGNAL

Simplified Explanation

The memory system described in the patent application includes a ready busy pin connected to multiple dice and a processing device. The processing device waits for a pulse on a status indicator signal from the ready busy pin before performing any status checks. It detects an extended pulse, which is a combination of pulses from different dice, initiates a polling delay period, and then checks the status of the dice operations.

  • The memory system has a ready busy pin connected to multiple dice and a processing device.
  • The processing device waits for a pulse on a status indicator signal before performing status checks.
  • It detects an extended pulse from multiple dice, initiates a polling delay period, and checks the status of dice operations.

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in various memory systems where efficient monitoring of multiple dice operations is required. It can be beneficial in high-performance computing, data centers, and other applications where memory management is crucial.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the challenge of efficiently monitoring and managing multiple dice operations in a memory system. By detecting extended pulses and initiating polling delay periods, it ensures that status checks are performed accurately and in a timely manner.


- Improved efficiency in monitoring multiple dice operations - Accurate status checks in memory systems - Enhanced performance and reliability of memory management

Commercial Applications

Title: Advanced Memory System for Efficient Dice Operation Monitoring This technology can be applied in high-performance computing systems, data centers, and server environments where memory management plays a critical role. It can improve the overall performance and reliability of memory systems, leading to better operational efficiency and reduced downtime.

Prior Art

Further research can be conducted in the field of memory systems, specifically focusing on monitoring and managing multiple dice operations. Exploring existing patents and publications related to memory management and data processing could provide valuable insights into the evolution of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research

Researchers are constantly working on enhancing memory systems to improve performance and reliability. Stay updated on the latest developments in memory management technologies to understand how this innovation fits into the broader landscape of memory system advancements.

Questions about Memory Systems

How does this technology improve memory system efficiency?

This technology improves memory system efficiency by accurately monitoring and managing multiple dice operations, ensuring that status checks are performed in a timely and precise manner.

What are the potential applications of this memory system innovation?

The potential applications of this memory system innovation include high-performance computing, data centers, and server environments where efficient memory management is essential for optimal system performance.

Original Abstract Submitted

a memory system includes a ready busy pin coupled with a plurality of dice and a processing device coupled with the ready busy pin. the processing device is to perform controller operations including waiting to perform any status checks until after assertion of a pulse on a status indicator signal received from the ready busy pin; detecting the pulse being asserted is an extended pulse comprising at least a partial overlap of a first pulse asserted by a first die and a second pulse asserted by a second die of the plurality of dice; initiating a polling delay period in response to detecting assertion of the extended pulse, wherein the polling delay period is greater than a pulse width of the first pulse; and initiating a first status check of dice operations being performed by the plurality of dice in response to detecting expiration of the polling delay period.