Micron technology, inc. (20240187003). SYSTEMS HAVING A PHASE FREQUENCY DETECTOR simplified abstract

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Organization Name

micron technology, inc.


Junjun Wang of Shanghai (CN)

SYSTEMS HAVING A PHASE FREQUENCY DETECTOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240187003 titled 'SYSTEMS HAVING A PHASE FREQUENCY DETECTOR

The abstract describes a phase frequency detector designed to track the falling edges of two input signals to detect a phase difference greater than 180 degrees and generate signals for adjustment purposes. This detector can be integrated into a phase lock loop circuit to monitor a reference clock signal and a feedback signal, adjusting the output signals to maintain a lock condition when the phase difference exceeds 180 degrees.

  • Detects phase difference between two input signals
  • Tracks falling edges for accurate measurement
  • Generates signals for adjustment when phase difference is significant
  • Integrated into phase lock loop circuits for synchronization purposes

Potential Applications: - Synchronization of signals in communication systems - Frequency synthesis in RF applications - Clock recovery in digital systems

Problems Solved: - Ensures accurate phase alignment between signals - Facilitates synchronization in complex systems - Enables precise frequency control

Benefits: - Improved signal integrity - Enhanced system performance - Simplified frequency and phase adjustments

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Phase Frequency Detector for Signal Synchronization" This technology can be utilized in telecommunications equipment, satellite communication systems, and radar systems for precise signal synchronization and frequency control, enhancing overall system efficiency and reliability.

Prior Art: Prior art related to this technology includes existing phase frequency detectors used in communication systems and frequency synthesizers, but the specific implementation described in this patent application may offer improved performance and functionality.

Frequently Updated Research: Ongoing research in phase detection and frequency control techniques may lead to advancements in signal processing and communication technologies, potentially impacting the development of future systems and devices.

Questions about Phase Frequency Detectors:

Question 1: How does the phase frequency detector ensure accurate phase alignment between signals? Answer: The phase frequency detector tracks the falling edges of two input signals to detect phase differences greater than 180 degrees, generating adjustment signals to align the phases accurately.

Question 2: What are the potential commercial applications of phase frequency detectors beyond telecommunications and radar systems? Answer: Phase frequency detectors can also be used in data acquisition systems, test and measurement equipment, and industrial automation for precise signal synchronization and frequency control.

Original Abstract Submitted

a variety of applications can include a phase frequency detector structured to track the falling edges of two input signals to detect a phase difference between the two signals and to generate one or more signals that can be used to adjust one of the signals with respect to the other when the phase difference is greater than 180 degrees. the phase frequency detector can be implemented in a phase lock loop circuit to track the falling edges of a reference clock signal and the falling edge of a feedback signal. in response to detection of the phase difference between the reference clock signal and the feedback signal being greater than 180 degrees using the falling edges of these signals, the phase frequency detector can adjust its output signals to provide for recovery of a lock condition for the reference clock signal. additional devices, systems, and methods are discussed.