Micron technology, inc. (20240185898). SYNDROME DECODING SYSTEM simplified abstract

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Organization Name

micron technology, inc.


Eyal En Gad of Highland CA (US)

Leon Zlotnik of Camino CA (US)

Yoav Weinberg of Thornhill (CA)

SYNDROME DECODING SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240185898 titled 'SYNDROME DECODING SYSTEM

The method described in the abstract involves receiving a bit string with multiple bits, determining the number of bits to shift based on a shifting indicator, shifting the bit string accordingly, and altering the bits in the shifted string based on a decision indicator.

  • The method involves receiving a bit string with multiple bits.
  • It determines the number of bits to shift based on a shifting indicator.
  • The bit string is shifted by the determined quantity of bits.
  • The shifted bit string is then altered based on a decision indicator.
  • Alterations involve changing the logical value of one or more bits from 0 to 1 or vice versa.

Potential Applications: - Data encryption and decryption processes - Error correction in data transmission - Image processing algorithms

Problems Solved: - Efficient manipulation of bit strings - Streamlining shifting operations in digital circuits

Benefits: - Improved data processing speed - Enhanced accuracy in data manipulation - Increased reliability in digital systems

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhanced Data Processing Technology for Digital Circuits" This technology can be utilized in industries such as telecommunications, cybersecurity, and image processing for faster and more accurate data manipulation.

Prior Art: There may be existing patents related to bit shifting operations in digital circuits or data processing algorithms.

Frequently Updated Research: Research on optimizing shifting operations in digital circuits for various applications is ongoing.

Questions about the technology:

  • Question 1: How does this method compare to traditional bit shifting techniques?
  • Question 2: What are the potential limitations of this technology in real-world applications?

Original Abstract Submitted

a method includes receiving, by shift circuitry, a bit string comprising a plurality of bits and determining, based on a shifting indicator, a quantity of bits by which the bit string is to be shifted within the shift circuitry. the method further includes generating a shifted bit string by performing, by the shift circuitry, an operation to shift the bit string by the quantity of bits indicated by the shifting indicator and performing, by decision circuitry coupled to the shift circuitry, an operation to alter one or more of the plurality of bits of the shifted bit string from a logical value of one to a logical value of zero or from a logical value of zero to a logical value of one.