Micron technology, inc. (20240184488). APP LAUNCH DETECTION FROM READ CHUNK ANALYSIS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

micron technology, inc.


Marco Onorato of Villasanta (MB) (IT)

Luca Porzio of Casalnuovo (NA) (IT)

Roberto Izzi of Caserta (IT)

APP LAUNCH DETECTION FROM READ CHUNK ANALYSIS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240184488 titled 'APP LAUNCH DETECTION FROM READ CHUNK ANALYSIS

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes methods, systems, and devices for detecting app launches by analyzing read chunks. By analyzing the distribution of sizes of read data over time, the memory system can detect the launch of an application and reduce the time it takes to launch it.

  • Read commands are used to access data in a memory system.
  • The distribution of sizes of read data over time helps detect app launches.
  • Procedures are implemented to reduce the time it takes to launch an application.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Analysis of read chunks to detect app launches.
  • Utilizing the distribution of read data sizes to determine app launches.
  • Implementing procedures to reduce app launch time.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in mobile devices, computers, and other electronic devices to improve app launch times and overall user experience.

Problems Solved

  • Slow app launch times.
  • Inefficient use of memory resources.
  • Lack of real-time app launch detection.


  • Faster app launch times.
  • Improved memory system efficiency.
  • Enhanced user experience.

Commercial Applications

The technology can be used in smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices to optimize app performance, leading to increased user satisfaction and potentially higher sales in the competitive market.

Prior Art

There are existing technologies for app launch detection, but the innovation lies in the specific method of analyzing read chunks to improve efficiency and speed.

Frequently Updated Research

Research on memory system optimization, app launch detection algorithms, and real-time data analysis techniques can provide valuable insights for further enhancing this technology.

Questions about App Launch Detection

Question 1

How does the distribution of read data sizes help in detecting app launches?

The distribution of read data sizes over time provides insights into the patterns associated with app launches, allowing the memory system to identify when an application is being launched based on the size distribution.

Question 2

What are the potential drawbacks of using read chunk analysis for app launch detection?

One potential drawback could be the complexity of implementing the analysis algorithms and ensuring real-time detection without impacting system performance. Additionally, there may be challenges in accurately distinguishing between app launches and other data access patterns.

Original Abstract Submitted

methods, systems, and devices for app launch detection from read chunk analysis are described. read commands may be received for accessing data stored in a memory system. the read commands may be used to determine a distribution of sizes for associated read data over an interval of time based, at least in part, on receiving the read commands. the memory system may detect the launch of an application based in part on the distribution of the sizes of the read data over the interval of time. upon detecting the launch of the application, a procedure may be performed to reduce a duration associated with launching the application.