Micron technology, inc. (20240184457). CONTROLLER FOR REGULATING AND SECURING ACCESS TO MEMORY simplified abstract

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Organization Name

micron technology, inc.


Angelo Alberto Rovelli of Agrate Brianza (IT)

Federica Cresci of Milan (IT)

CONTROLLER FOR REGULATING AND SECURING ACCESS TO MEMORY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240184457 titled 'CONTROLLER FOR REGULATING AND SECURING ACCESS TO MEMORY

The abstract of the patent application describes an access controller designed to regulate and secure access to an intermediate memory where data from a one-time-programmable (OTP) memory can be copied. The access controller controls the frequency of access to the intermediate memory and cryptographically manages data read from and written to it.

  • The access controller regulates access to an intermediate memory.
  • Data from a one-time-programmable (OTP) memory can be copied to the intermediate memory.
  • The controller controls the frequency of access to the intermediate memory.
  • Data read from and written to the intermediate memory is cryptographically managed.

Potential Applications: - Secure data storage systems - Access control systems - Cryptographic data management solutions

Problems Solved: - Unauthorized access to sensitive data - Data breaches and security vulnerabilities - Efficient management of data transfer between memories

Benefits: - Enhanced data security - Controlled access to critical information - Efficient data management and transfer processes

Commercial Applications: Title: Secure Access Controller for Data Storage Systems This technology can be used in industries such as cybersecurity, data storage, and access control systems to enhance data security and control access to sensitive information.

Prior Art: Information on prior art related to access controllers, data storage systems, and cryptographic data management solutions.

Frequently Updated Research: Any new research or developments in access control systems, data security, and cryptographic data management relevant to this technology.

Questions about Secure Access Controller for Data Storage Systems:

Question 1: How does the access controller regulate access to the intermediate memory? Answer: The access controller controls the frequency of access to the intermediate memory and manages data encryption and decryption processes.

Question 2: What are the potential applications of this technology beyond data storage systems? Answer: This technology can also be applied in access control systems, cybersecurity solutions, and secure data transfer processes.

Original Abstract Submitted

an access controller can be provided to regulate and secure access to an intermediate memory to which data stored in a one-time-programmable (otp) memory can be copied. to secure the access of the intermediate memory, the access controller can regulate a frequency at which the intermediate memory can be accessed and cryptographically manage (e.g., encrypt and/or decrypt) data being read from and/or written to the intermediate memory.