Micron technology, inc. (20240177745). Sharable Usage-Based Disturbance Circuitry simplified abstract

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Sharable Usage-Based Disturbance Circuitry

Organization Name

micron technology, inc.


Yang Lu of Boise ID (US)

Yuan He of Boise ID (US)

Kang-Yong Kim of Boise ID (US)

Sharable Usage-Based Disturbance Circuitry - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240177745 titled 'Sharable Usage-Based Disturbance Circuitry

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes apparatuses and techniques for implementing shareable usage-based disturbance circuitry in memory devices. This circuitry helps manage disturbance across different sections of memory, making the memory device more efficient and cost-effective.

  • Shareable usage-based disturbance circuitry manages disturbance across different sections of memory within a die of a memory device.
  • The circuitry includes a counter circuit and/or an error-correction-code circuit coupled to sense amplifiers associated with neighboring sections.
  • This technology helps reduce manufacturing costs, power consumption, and footprint size of memory devices.
  • It simplifies signal routing and eliminates the need for dedicated circuits in each memory section to mitigate disturbance.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various memory devices such as solid-state drives, mobile devices, and servers to improve memory efficiency and reduce costs.

Problems Solved

1. Mitigating usage-based disturbance in memory devices. 2. Reducing manufacturing costs and power consumption in memory devices.


1. Cost-effective memory devices. 2. Improved memory efficiency. 3. Reduced power consumption. 4. Simplified signal routing.

Potential Commercial Applications

Optimizing memory devices for consumer electronics, data centers, and other applications requiring efficient and reliable memory storage.

Possible Prior Art

Prior art related to managing disturbance in memory devices may include techniques for error correction, memory optimization, and power efficiency in memory systems.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology impact the overall performance of memory devices?

This article does not provide specific data on the performance improvements achieved by implementing shareable usage-based disturbance circuitry in memory devices.

Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using this technology?

The article does not mention any potential limitations or drawbacks associated with the implementation of shareable usage-based disturbance circuitry in memory devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

apparatuses and techniques for implementing shareable usage-based disturbance circuitry are described. shareable usage-based disturbance circuitry includes circuits (e.g., shared circuits) that manage usage-based disturbance across at least two sections of a bank of memory within a die of a memory device. in example implementations, the shareable usage-based disturbance circuitry includes a counter circuit and/or an error-correction-code circuit that is coupled to sense amplifiers associated with two neighboring sections. with the shareable usage-based disturbance circuitry, dies within the memory device can be cheaper to manufacture, can consume less power, and can have a smaller footprint with less complex signal routing compared to other dies with other circuits dedicated to mitigating usage-based disturbance within each section.