Micron technology, inc. (20240176915). THREAT DETECTION USING A MEASURED STORAGE DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

micron technology, inc.


Zhan Liu of Cupertino CA (US)

THREAT DETECTION USING A MEASURED STORAGE DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240176915 titled 'THREAT DETECTION USING A MEASURED STORAGE DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The disclosed embodiments relate to a method for detecting malicious data by comparing metadata fields and digests.

  • Loading data from a storage device
  • Loading secure identifying data (SID) from a write-protected region of the storage device
  • Comparing metadata fields in the SID to corresponding metadata fields of the data
  • Computing a current digest of the data
  • Comparing the current digest to the digest in the SID
  • Validating the data when metadata fields in the SID match corresponding metadata fields of the data and the current digest matches the digest in the SID

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in cybersecurity systems to detect and prevent the spread of malicious data within a network.

Problems Solved

This technology helps in identifying and validating data to ensure that only secure and authorized information is accessed and used.


The method provides a secure way to verify the integrity of data and prevent the spread of malicious content.

Potential Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications include data security software, network security systems, and storage device encryption tools.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be methods for data validation and verification in computer systems.

Unanswered Questions

How does this method handle large volumes of data?

The article does not specify how the method scales when dealing with a large amount of data. It would be important to understand if there are any limitations in processing data in bulk.

What is the computational overhead of this method?

The article does not mention the computational resources required to perform the validation process. It would be useful to know if there are any performance implications when implementing this method in real-world scenarios.

Original Abstract Submitted

the disclosed embodiments relate to detecting malicious data and in particular to a method that includes loading data from a storage device; loading secure identifying data (sid) associated with the data from a write-protected region of the storage device, the sid including a digest and at least one metadata field; comparing the at least one metadata field in the sid to a corresponding metadata field of the data; computing a current digest of the data; comparing the current digest to the digest in the sid; and validating the data when the at least one metadata field in the sid matches the corresponding metadata field of the data and the current digest matches the digest in the sid.