Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC (20240290020). Spatial Audio and Avatar Control at Headset Using Audio Signals simplified abstract

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Spatial Audio and Avatar Control at Headset Using Audio Signals

Organization Name

Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC


Nadav Grossinger of Hillsborough CA (US)

Robert Hasbun of Placerville CA (US)

Spatial Audio and Avatar Control at Headset Using Audio Signals - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240290020 titled 'Spatial Audio and Avatar Control at Headset Using Audio Signals

Simplified Explanation: This patent application describes an audio system in a local area that provides an audio signal to a headset of a remote user. The system identifies sounds from a human sound source in the local area and generates an audio signal for presentation to the remote user within a virtual representation of the local area.

  • The audio system detects sounds within the local area to identify a human sound source.
  • It creates an audio signal based on the location of the remote user within the virtual representation of the local area relative to the human sound source.
  • The audio signal is presented to the remote user through a headset as part of the virtual representation of the local area.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Detection of sounds from a human sound source in a local area.
  • Generation of an audio signal for a remote user within a virtual representation of the local area.
  • Presentation of the audio signal through a headset to the remote user.

Potential Applications: This technology could be used in virtual reality environments, gaming, remote communication, and immersive experiences.

Problems Solved: This technology solves the problem of providing realistic audio experiences to remote users in virtual environments.


  • Enhanced immersion for remote users.
  • Realistic audio representation of local environments.
  • Improved communication in virtual settings.

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include virtual reality gaming, virtual meetings, remote training simulations, and entertainment experiences.

Prior Art: Prior art related to this technology may include research on audio localization in virtual reality environments and remote communication systems.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are constantly exploring new ways to improve audio localization and virtual reality experiences for remote users.

Questions about Audio System in a Local Area: 1. How does the audio system identify sounds from a human sound source in the local area? 2. What are the potential commercial applications of this technology?

Original Abstract Submitted

an audio system in a local area providing an audio signal to a headset of a remote user is presented herein. the audio system identifies sounds from a human sound source in the local area, based in part on sounds detected within the local area. the audio system generates an audio signal for presentation to a remote user within a virtual representation of the local area based in part on a location of the remote user within the virtual representation of the local area relative to a virtual representation of the human sound source within the virtual representation of the local area. the audio system provides the audio signal to a headset of the remote user, wherein the headset presents the audio signal as part of the virtual representation of the local area to the remote user.