Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC (20240211093). Artificial Reality Coworking Spaces for Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Interfaces simplified abstract

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Artificial Reality Coworking Spaces for Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Interfaces

Organization Name

Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC


James Anthony Hughes of London (GB)

Michael James Lebeau of Amsterdam (NL)

Håvard Alnes Boland of London (GB)

Monica Escribano Perucha of Madrid (ES)

Petra Zhivkova of London (GB)

Thomas Actman of Bristol (GB)

Marcus Tanner of Old Windsor (GB)

Artificial Reality Coworking Spaces for Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Interfaces - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240211093 titled 'Artificial Reality Coworking Spaces for Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Interfaces

    • Simplified Explanation:**

Users can participate in artificial reality coworking spaces on 2D interfaces, like computers and mobile devices. They can join a quiet virtual coworking space to see other users without sound. Users can request conversations with others, sending non-audible notifications. The other user can join the conversation at their convenience in a virtual conference room for audio/video discussions.

    • Key Features and Innovation:**

- Users can join virtual coworking spaces on 2D interfaces. - Quiet virtual coworking spaces allow users to see others without sound. - Non-audible notifications for conversation requests. - Virtual conference rooms for audio/video discussions. - Other users can join the virtual conference room without permission.

    • Potential Applications:**

- Remote collaboration - Virtual meetings - Team communication - Online coworking spaces

    • Problems Solved:**

- Facilitates communication in virtual environments - Provides a seamless way to engage in conversations - Enhances remote collaboration and teamwork

    • Benefits:**

- Improved virtual collaboration - Efficient communication in artificial reality spaces - Enhanced user experience in virtual coworking environments

    • Commercial Applications:**

Virtual coworking platforms for remote teams and organizations

    • Questions about XR Coworking Spaces:**

1. How does the technology ensure privacy and security in virtual coworking spaces? 2. What are the potential challenges of using 2D interfaces for XR coworking spaces?

    • Frequently Updated Research:**

Stay updated on advancements in virtual collaboration tools and technologies for remote work environments.

Original Abstract Submitted

aspects of the present disclosure can allow users to participate in artificial reality (xr) coworking spaces on two-dimensional (2d) interfaces, such as computers, mobile devices, etc. users can join a “quiet” virtual coworking space in which they can see representations of other users within the space (including xr users), but without sound. from the virtual coworking space, a user can request to start a conversation with another user, which can send a non-audible notification to the other user, thus being less intrusive to the other user. the other user can join the conversation at their convenience, and be transported to a virtual conference room with the requesting user to engage in audio and/or video discussion. other users within the virtual coworking space can see the attendees within the virtual conference room, and join the virtual conference room by being invited, or simply clicking to join, without permission needed.