Mainstream Engineering Corporation (20240296977). WIRE-EMBEDDED ZEOLITE STRUCTURES WITH BARE WIRE LEADS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Mainstream Engineering Corporation


Benjamin S. Woods of Melbourne FL (US)

WIRE-EMBEDDED ZEOLITE STRUCTURES WITH BARE WIRE LEADS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240296977 titled 'WIRE-EMBEDDED ZEOLITE STRUCTURES WITH BARE WIRE LEADS

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a structure made of a zeolite-based paste with a continuous wire embedded within its layers. The wire extends beyond the structure's walls to create bare wire leads for connection to a power source, allowing for electrification. This structure is typically created using additive manufacturing (3D printing) with multiple layers stacked together, one of which contains the embedded wire for heating purposes.

  • The structure is made of a zeolite-based paste with a continuous wire embedded within its layers.
  • The wire extends beyond the structure's walls to create bare wire leads for connection to a power source.
  • The structure is typically created using additive manufacturing (3D printing) with multiple layers stacked together.
  • At least one layer contains the embedded wire for heating purposes.
  • The wire acts as a heating element for uniform joule heating of the zeolite structure, reducing power consumption and temperature ramp-up time during a desorption process.

Potential Applications: - Energy-efficient heating systems - Chemical processing equipment - Environmental remediation devices

Problems Solved: - Reduced power consumption during heating processes - Faster temperature ramp-up time - Enhanced mechanical properties of the structure

Benefits: - Energy efficiency - Reduced system footprint - Improved heating uniformity

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include energy-efficient heating systems for industrial processes, chemical processing equipment, and environmental remediation devices.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the embedded wire contribute to reducing power consumption in the heating process? 2. What materials are typically used for the continuous wire in this structure?

Original Abstract Submitted

a structure fabricated of a zeolite-based paste with an intra-layer continuous wire embedded is disclosed. vitally, the continuous wire is extended past the bounds of the structure's walls, creating bare wire leads that allow for connection to a power source for electrification. the structure is made of multiple layers stacked together, typically in an additive manufacturing (3d printing) process. within this structure, at least one layer has an embedded wire running through at least some portion of it, and is equipped with two bare wire leads protruding from the structure. this wire is designed to act as a heating element for uniform joule heating of the zeolite structure for reduced power consumption and temperature ramp-up time during a desorption process, as well as reduced system footprint and enhanced mechanical properties. the frequency of wire embedment (a wire embedded in every nlayer), the percentage of the embedded layer that contains the wire, and the wire gauge and material/composition can be modified for the desired application.