Lg display co., ltd. (20240260416). LIGHT EMITTING DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

lg display co., ltd.


Hyeon-Hye Yu of Paju-si (KR)

In-Goo Lee of Paju-si (KR)

Won-Sik Lee of Paju-si (KR)

LIGHT EMITTING DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240260416 titled 'LIGHT EMITTING DISPLAY DEVICE

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a light emitting display device with subpixels that have a unique shape and include light reflectors to enhance light emission efficiency.

  • Each subpixel on the device has an emission region with an n-gonal outer interface.
  • A light emitting diode is located at each emission region, containing an emission layer.
  • Inside the light emitting diode, there are arc-shaped light reflectors with a lower refractive index than the emission layer.
  • The arc-shaped light reflectors are positioned in a quasi-caustic region of the outer interface.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Subpixels with n-gonal outer interfaces for improved light emission.
  • Light emitting diodes with emission layers for each subpixel.
  • Arc-shaped light reflectors with lower refractive index to enhance light emission efficiency.
  • Placement of reflectors in a quasi-caustic region for optimal light reflection.

Potential Applications: This technology can be used in various display devices such as TVs, monitors, and smartphones to improve brightness and color accuracy.

Problems Solved: The technology addresses issues related to light emission efficiency and brightness uniformity in display devices.


  • Enhanced light emission efficiency.
  • Improved brightness and color accuracy.
  • Uniform light distribution across the display.

Commercial Applications: This technology has potential commercial applications in the consumer electronics industry for manufacturing high-quality display devices with improved performance.

Questions about Light Emitting Display Devices: 1. How does the unique shape of the subpixels contribute to the efficiency of light emission? 2. What are the advantages of using arc-shaped light reflectors with a lower refractive index in the light emitting diodes?

Original Abstract Submitted

in one aspect, a light emitting display device includes a plurality of subpixels on a substrate, each of the plurality of subpixels having a corresponding emission region, each of the plurality of subpixels having an outer interface with an n-gonal shape; a light emitting diode at each corresponding emission region and including an emission layer; and a plurality of arc-shaped light reflectors inside the light emitting diode and having a lower refractive index than a refractive index of the emission layer. the plurality of arc-shaped light reflectors are in a quasi-caustic region of the outer interface.