Lg display co., ltd. (20240257765). LIGHT EMITTING DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

lg display co., ltd.


Jae-Min Kim of Paju-si (KR)

Bong-Hwan Kim of Paju-si (KR)

LIGHT EMITTING DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240257765 titled 'LIGHT EMITTING DISPLAY DEVICE

The abstract describes a light emitting display device that operates in a multi-frequency mode, where odd scan stages receive odd first and second scan clocks alternately, and even scan stages receive an even scan clock. During the driving frame of refreshing the first region and refresh-skipping the second region, specific clock pulses are provided to different scan stages to optimize performance.

  • Odd scan stages receive odd first and second scan clocks alternately, while even scan stages receive an even scan clock.
  • In a multi-frequency mode, a higher frequency is applied to the first region compared to the second region.
  • Clock pulses are strategically provided to specific scan stages at the beginning and end of regions to enhance display performance.
  • During the refresh cycle, clock pulses are adjusted to skip certain scan lines for efficient operation.
  • The device is designed to improve display quality and efficiency through optimized clock pulse distribution.

Potential Applications: - High-resolution displays - LED screens - Electronic signage - Consumer electronics - Automotive displays

Problems Solved: - Enhancing display performance - Optimizing refresh rates - Improving energy efficiency - Increasing display longevity

Benefits: - Improved display quality - Energy efficiency - Enhanced refresh rates - Extended display lifespan

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Display Technology for Enhanced Performance This technology can be utilized in various commercial applications such as high-end TVs, digital signage, gaming monitors, and automotive displays to provide superior visual experiences and energy-efficient operation.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the multi-frequency mode improve display performance?

  - The multi-frequency mode optimizes the refresh rates in different regions of the display, enhancing overall performance.

2. What are the key benefits of the clock pulse distribution strategy in this display device?

  - The strategic distribution of clock pulses ensures efficient operation and improved display quality.

Original Abstract Submitted

a light emitting display device in which odd scan stages receive odd first and second scan clocks alternately, and even scan stages receive an even scan clock, in a multi-frequency mode in which a first region is driven at a higher frequency than a second region, an odd first scan clock is provided to a n+5-th scan stage at a begin of the second region, an even scan clock is provided to a n+4-th scan stage at an end of the first region, and an odd second scan clock is provided to a n+3-th scan stage of the first region, and in the multi-frequency mode, during a driving frame of refreshing the first region and refresh-skipping the second region, the odd first scan clock does not have an i+2-th clock pulse corresponding to a scan pulse of the n+4-th first scan line.