Lg display co., ltd. (20240256061). TOUCH DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

lg display co., ltd.


Sangkyu Kim of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

SeungRok Shin of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

DeukSu Lee of Seoul (KR)

Yoonnara Jang of Seoul (KR)

Jeonghoon Lee of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

TOUCH DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240256061 titled 'TOUCH DISPLAY DEVICE

The abstract of this patent application describes a method to improve touch sensing performance by inserting a break period during the gate line inactive period of a frame period, allowing touch sensing to be performed without interference from display driving.

  • Touch sensing performance enhancement through break period insertion
  • Break period inserted during gate line inactive period of frame period
  • Touch sensing performed in break period similar to touch sensing in blank period
  • Reduction of display driving influence on touch sensing
  • Improved touch sensing performance

Potential Applications: - Mobile devices - Tablets - Touchscreen monitors - Interactive displays

Problems Solved: - Interference between display driving and touch sensing - Reduced touch sensing performance due to display driving influence

Benefits: - Enhanced touch sensing accuracy - Improved user experience with touch interfaces - Increased responsiveness of touchscreens

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhanced Touch Sensing Technology for Improved User Interaction" This technology can be utilized in various consumer electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and touch-enabled laptops to provide a more seamless and responsive touch experience for users. Additionally, it can be integrated into interactive kiosks, digital signage, and other public displays to enhance user interaction.

Questions about Enhanced Touch Sensing Technology: 1. How does the break period insertion improve touch sensing performance?

  - The break period allows touch sensing to be performed without interference from display driving, enhancing the accuracy and responsiveness of touchscreens.

2. What are the potential applications of this technology beyond consumer electronics?

  - This technology can also be applied in industrial touch panels, automotive displays, and medical devices to improve user interaction and touch sensitivity.

Original Abstract Submitted

embodiments of the disclosure may insert a break period when the gate line is not driven, such as a blank period, of an active period of a frame period and perform touch sensing, driven in the same manner as touch sensing driven in the blank period, in the break period, thereby reducing the influence of display driving on touch sensing and enhancing touch sensing performance.