Lg display co., ltd. (20240255794). DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

lg display co., ltd.


Ji-Cheol Son of Gumi-si (KR)

Ji-Soon Oh of Daegu (KR)

Yeoun-Jei Jung of Daegu (KR)

Sung-Sik Son of Gumi-si (KR)

Chan-Hyeok Park of Gumi-si (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240255794 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

The abstract of the patent application describes a display device that includes a backlight unit, a camera hole penetrating the backlight unit, a camera in the camera hole, a liquid crystal panel on the backlight unit with a transparent portion on the camera hole, and at least one light-blocking member in the camera hole to reduce light leakage and introduction of impurities into the camera hole.

  • Simplified Explanation:

This patent application is for a display device that has a camera hole with a camera, a liquid crystal panel, and light-blocking members to prevent light leakage and impurities from entering the camera hole.

  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Display device with a camera hole and camera integrated into the design. - Liquid crystal panel with a transparent portion for the camera. - Light-blocking members to reduce light leakage and impurities in the camera hole.

  • Potential Applications:

- Smartphones - Tablets - Laptops - Monitors - Cameras

  • Problems Solved:

- Light leakage from the camera hole. - Introduction of impurities into the camera hole.

  • Benefits:

- Improved image quality. - Enhanced privacy for camera use. - Prevents dust and debris from entering the camera hole.

  • Commercial Applications:

The technology can be applied to various electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, monitors, and cameras to improve camera performance and user experience.

  • Questions about Display Device with Camera Hole:

1. How does the light-blocking member reduce light leakage in the camera hole? - The light-blocking member is designed to block excess light from entering the camera hole, ensuring better image quality and privacy.

2. What are the potential commercial uses of a display device with a camera hole? - The technology can be utilized in consumer electronics like smartphones, tablets, laptops, monitors, and cameras to enhance camera functionality and user experience.

Original Abstract Submitted

a display device includes: a backlight unit, a camera hole penetrating the backlight unit, a camera in the camera hole, a liquid crystal panel on the backlight unit, the liquid crystal panel including a transparent portion on the camera hole, and at least one light-blocking member in the camera hole, the at least one light-blocking member being configured to reduce one or more of: light leakage from the camera hole and introduction of impurities into the camera hole.