Lg display co., ltd. (20240221555). LIGHT EMITTING DISPLAY APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

lg display co., ltd.


MooKyoung Hong of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

Uitaek Jeong of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

HyeonWoo Lee of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

DongKyu Yang of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

SinKyun Park of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

JoonYoung Kim of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

LIGHT EMITTING DISPLAY APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240221555 titled 'LIGHT EMITTING DISPLAY APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a light emitting display apparatus that includes a control driver to delay data signals and convert image data, a data driver to output data voltages, and a display panel with pixels and data lines.

  • The control driver delays data signals based on the frequency of the input data enable signal.
  • The control driver converts input image data into image data for display.
  • The data driver outputs data voltages using the data enable signals and image data.
  • The display panel receives the data voltages and displays the image.

Key Features and Innovation: - Delaying data signals based on input frequency - Converting input image data for display - Outputting data voltages to display panel

Potential Applications: This technology can be used in various display devices such as televisions, monitors, and digital signage for improved image quality and performance.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses issues related to data signal processing and image display quality in light emitting display devices.

Benefits: - Enhanced image quality - Improved display performance - Efficient data signal processing

Commercial Applications: The technology can be applied in consumer electronics, advertising displays, and digital signage industries for high-quality image display and performance.

Questions about Light Emitting Display Apparatus: 1. How does the control driver delay data signals based on input frequency? 2. What are the potential commercial applications of this technology?

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Original Abstract Submitted

aspects of the present disclosure are directed to a light emitting display apparatus includes a control driver configured to (1) delay a second data enable signal to an (n)th data enable signal by a delay period when a frequency of a first data enable signal is greater than a first reference frequency, and (2) convert input image data into image data, wherein n is a natural number greater than or equal to 2; a data driver configured to output data voltages by using the first data enable signal to the (n)th data enable signal and the image data transmitted from the control driver; and a light emitting display panel provided with pixels and data lines to which the data voltages are supplied.