Kabushiki kaisha toshiba (20240295516). SENSOR AND SENSOR SYSTEM simplified abstract

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Organization Name

kabushiki kaisha toshiba


Yosuke Akimoto of Yokohama Kanagawa (JP)

Akira Fujimoto of Kawasaki Kanagawa (JP)

Yoshihiko Kurui of Chigasaki Kanagawa (JP)

Ping Wang of Fujisawa Kanagawa (JP)

Hiroaki Yamazaki of Yokohama Kanagawa (JP)

SENSOR AND SENSOR SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240295516 titled 'SENSOR AND SENSOR SYSTEM

The abstract of the patent application describes a sensor with a complex structure involving multiple elements and layers.

  • The sensor includes a first base and a first element, consisting of a first fixed member, a first resistance connecting member, a first conductive connecting member, and a first film portion.
  • A first gap is present between the first base and the first film portion, which contains a first resistance layer and a first conductive layer.
  • The first resistance connecting member is connected to the first resistance layer, while the first conductive connecting member is connected to the first conductive layer.

Potential Applications: - This sensor technology can be used in various industries such as automotive, healthcare, and consumer electronics for applications requiring precise measurements.

Problems Solved: - The sensor addresses the need for accurate and reliable sensing capabilities in different environments and conditions.

Benefits: - The sensor offers high sensitivity, stability, and durability, making it suitable for demanding applications. - It provides precise and consistent data for improved performance and efficiency in various systems.

Commercial Applications: - The sensor can be integrated into automotive systems for monitoring temperature, pressure, and other parameters. - In healthcare, it can be used for medical devices to measure vital signs accurately. - In consumer electronics, the sensor can enhance the functionality and performance of devices such as smartphones and wearables.

Questions about the sensor technology: 1. How does the sensor's complex structure contribute to its performance and reliability? 2. What sets this sensor apart from existing sensor technologies in the market?

Frequently Updated Research: - Stay updated on advancements in sensor technology, materials science, and electronics to enhance the sensor's capabilities and applications.

Original Abstract Submitted

according to one embodiment, a sensor includes an element portion including a first base and a first element. the first element includes, a first fixed member fixed to the first base, a first resistance connecting member supported by the first fixed member, a first conductive connecting member supported by the first fixed member, and a first film portion supported by the first resistance connecting member and the first conductive connecting member. a first gap is provided between the first base and the first film portion. the first film portion includes a first resistance layer and a first conductive layer. the first resistance connecting member includes a first resistance wiring electrically connected to the first resistance layer. the first conductive connecting member includes a first conductive wiring electrically connected to the first conductive layer.