International business machines corporation (20240291759). MULTI-CLOUD CONTAINER COMMUNICATION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

international business machines corporation


Rakesh Jain of San Jose CA (US)

Sandeep Gopisetty of Morgan Hill CA (US)

MULTI-CLOUD CONTAINER COMMUNICATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240291759 titled 'MULTI-CLOUD CONTAINER COMMUNICATION

The abstract describes a patent application where computer processors route packets within an application consisting of multiple pods in a multi-cloud environment. The processors deploy proxies as sidecar containers for each pod, running alongside the application container, and apply routing rules to direct traffic between the proxies based on the rules.

  • Computer processors route packets within an application with multiple pods in a multi-cloud environment.
  • Proxies are deployed as sidecar containers for each pod, running alongside the application container.
  • Routing rules are applied to direct traffic between the proxies based on the set of rules.

Potential Applications: - Cloud computing environments - Multi-cloud networking solutions - Containerized applications

Problems Solved: - Efficient routing of traffic within complex multi-cloud environments - Seamless communication between pods and proxies - Scalability and flexibility in network management

Benefits: - Improved network performance - Enhanced security through controlled routing - Simplified management of distributed applications

Commercial Applications: Title: "Multi-Cloud Networking Solutions for Efficient Application Routing" This technology can be utilized by cloud service providers, IT companies, and businesses with complex network infrastructures to optimize application performance and streamline network management.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the deployment of proxies as sidecar containers enhance network efficiency? 2. What are the advantages of applying routing rules to direct traffic within a multi-cloud environment?

Original Abstract Submitted

one or more computer processors route one or more packets within an application that comprises a plurality of pods distributed in a multi-cloud environment. the one or more computer processors deploy one or more created proxies as one or more sidecar containers for each pod in the plurality of pods, wherein the sidecar containers run with an application container. the one or more computer processors apply a set of routing rules to each pod in the plurality of pods, wherein all traffic is routed between the one or more created proxies based on the set of routing rules.