International business machines corporation (20240220344). AUTOMATIC ISSUE IDENTIFICATION AND PREVENTION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

international business machines corporation


Sarbajit K. Rakshit of KOLKATA (IN)

Akash U. Dhoot of Pune (IN)

Shailendra Moyal of Pune (IN)

AUTOMATIC ISSUE IDENTIFICATION AND PREVENTION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240220344 titled 'AUTOMATIC ISSUE IDENTIFICATION AND PREVENTION

Simplified Explanation: The abstract describes a patent application where a processor analyzes object data to identify potential issues associated with an object in an environment, then deploys smart devices to capture issue data.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Processor receives object data and generates simulations for analysis.
  • Identifies potential issues with the object through simulations.
  • Deploys smart devices to capture issue data for further analysis.

Potential Applications: This technology could be applied in various industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and infrastructure maintenance to proactively identify and address potential issues with objects.

Problems Solved: This technology helps in early detection and resolution of issues associated with objects in an environment, leading to improved efficiency and reduced downtime.

Benefits: The benefits of this technology include enhanced object monitoring, proactive issue resolution, and overall improved operational performance.

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications of this technology include predictive maintenance services, asset management solutions, and IoT device deployment for object monitoring in various industries.

Prior Art: Readers can start searching for prior art related to this technology in the fields of predictive maintenance, IoT device deployment, and object monitoring technologies.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on research related to predictive maintenance, IoT technologies, and object monitoring for advancements in this field.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does this technology improve operational efficiency in various industries? 2. What are the key factors to consider when deploying smart devices for object monitoring?

Original Abstract Submitted

a processor may receive object data associated with an object in an environment. the processor may generate one or more simulations associated with the object using the object data. the processor may analyze the one or more simulations to identify one or more potential issues associated with the object. the processor may deploy the one or more smart devices to the object to capture issue data associated the one or more potential issues.