International business machines corporation (20240211377). DYNAMIC VIEW OF DEBUGGING STATE simplified abstract

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international business machines corporation




DYNAMIC VIEW OF DEBUGGING STATE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240211377 titled 'DYNAMIC VIEW OF DEBUGGING STATE

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a method for tracking and debugging actions performed on a software system, identifying debugging attributes, generating a window with details of these attributes, and displaying it via a user interface.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Tracking and debugging actions in a software system
  • Identifying debugging attributes of an object based on tracked actions
  • Generating a window with details of the identified debugging attributes
  • Displaying the window via a user interface of a debugging program

Potential Applications: This technology can be used in software development, quality assurance, and troubleshooting processes.

Problems Solved: This technology helps in efficiently tracking and debugging software systems, improving the overall development and maintenance process.


  • Enhanced debugging capabilities
  • Improved software quality and performance
  • Streamlined development processes

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include software development tools, debugging software, and quality assurance systems.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior art related to software debugging methods, tracking actions in software systems, and user interface design for debugging programs.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on the latest advancements in software debugging techniques, tracking methods, and user interface design for debugging tools.

Questions about software debugging: 1. How does this technology improve the efficiency of software debugging processes? 2. What are the key benefits of using this method for tracking and debugging software systems?

Original Abstract Submitted

an example operation may include one or more of tracking debugging actions performed to a software system via a runtime environment of the debugging actions, identifying one or more debugging attributes of an object of the software system based on the tracked debugging actions performed to the software system, generating a window which includes details of the one or more identified debugging attributes of the object, and displaying the window which includes the details of the one or more identified debugging attributes via a user interface of a debugging program.