International business machines corporation (20240177517). Intelligent Real Time Ergonomic Management simplified abstract

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Intelligent Real Time Ergonomic Management

Organization Name

international business machines corporation


Allison Kei Ishida of Alameda CA (US)

Su Liu of Austin TX (US)

Diana Isabelle Ovadia of Camarillo CA (US)

Ravithej Chikkala of Pflugerville TX (US)

Intelligent Real Time Ergonomic Management - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240177517 titled 'Intelligent Real Time Ergonomic Management

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a system for remedying ergonomic issues by generating an ergonomic score based on the user's physical positions at a workstation compared to an ideal ergonomic setup. Alerts are sent to the user's device regarding the differences, and remediation actions are taken based on the ergonomic score.

  • The system generates an ergonomic score based on variations in physical positions of the user at a workstation compared to an ideal ergonomic setup.
  • Alerts are sent to the user's device regarding the differences in physical positions.
  • Remediation actions are performed based on the ergonomic score.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in office environments, manufacturing facilities, and other work settings where ergonomics is important.

Problems Solved

This technology helps address ergonomic issues that can lead to discomfort, pain, and long-term health problems for users working at a workstation.


The system helps users maintain a correct posture at their workstation, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and improving overall comfort and productivity.

Potential Commercial Applications

This technology could be used by companies that prioritize employee health and safety, as well as by ergonomic consultants and healthcare providers.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be existing ergonomic assessment tools and software used in workplaces to evaluate and improve ergonomic conditions for employees.

What are the specific remediation actions performed based on the ergonomic score?

The specific remediation actions could include adjusting the height of the chair or desk, changing the position of the monitor or keyboard, or providing recommendations for posture exercises.

How does the system determine the ideal ergonomic setup corresponding to a target correct posture of the user at the workstation?

The system likely uses ergonomic guidelines and standards to determine the ideal setup, taking into account factors such as the user's height, reach, and typical tasks performed at the workstation.

Original Abstract Submitted

remediating ergonomic issues is provided. an ergonomic score corresponding to a user is generated based on differences between variations in physical positions of the user at a workstation and an ideal ergonomic setup corresponding to a target correct posture of the user at the workstation. an alert regarding the differences is sent to a client device of the user via a network. a set of remediation actions is performed based on the ergonomic score.