International business machines corporation (20240176617). VECTOR REDUCE INSTRUCTION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

international business machines corporation


Charles E. Hackett of Greenlawn NY (US)

VECTOR REDUCE INSTRUCTION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240176617 titled 'VECTOR REDUCE INSTRUCTION

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a patent application for a reduce instruction executed within a computing environment, involving selecting a field of a source operand, performing an operation on the bits of the field to obtain a result with fewer bits, and placing the result in a target location.

  • A reduce instruction is obtained and executed within a computing environment
  • The instruction designates a source location and selects a field with multiple bits
  • An operation is performed on the field to reduce the number of bits and obtain a result
  • The result is placed in a target location specified by the instruction

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in data processing systems, image processing, and signal processing applications.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of efficiently reducing the number of bits in a field while maintaining the integrity of the data.


The benefits of this technology include improved data processing efficiency, reduced storage requirements, and enhanced performance in various computing tasks.

Potential Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications of this technology include data compression algorithms, multimedia processing software, and embedded systems for IoT devices.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be existing data compression techniques that involve reducing the size of data while preserving its essential information.

What are the specific operations performed on the bits of the field to obtain the result?

The specific operations performed on the bits of the field to obtain the result are not detailed in the abstract. It would be helpful to know the specific algorithms or methods used for reducing the number of bits.

How does the technology handle errors or exceptions during the execution of the reduce instruction?

The abstract does not mention how errors or exceptions are handled during the execution of the reduce instruction. Understanding the error handling mechanisms would be crucial for assessing the reliability of the technology.

Original Abstract Submitted

an instruction that includes an operation code indicating a reduce instruction is obtained and executed within a computing environment. the executing includes selecting a field of a source operand stored in a source location. the source location is designated using the instruction and the field includes a plurality of bits. an operation is performed on the plurality of bits of the field to obtain a result. the result reduces the plurality of bits to a set of bits. the set of bits includes one or more bits and has fewer bits than the plurality of bits. the result is placed in a target location specified using the instruction.