Intel corporation (20240291786). MANAGEMENT CONTROL MESSAGE ROUTING simplified abstract

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Organization Name

intel corporation


Janusz P. Jurski of Beaverton OR (US)

Mariusz Oriol of Gdynia (PL)

Filip Schmole of Portland OR (US)

MANAGEMENT CONTROL MESSAGE ROUTING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240291786 titled 'MANAGEMENT CONTROL MESSAGE ROUTING

The abstract of the patent application describes a system where a management control message is sent from one device to another. The message contains management control data, and it is determined whether the receiving device supports such messages before deciding whether to forward it. These messages are routed to destination devices through a bridge device associated with the management control messages.

  • The system routes management control messages from one device to another based on support for such messages.
  • Messages are only forwarded to devices that can handle management control data.
  • Bridge devices facilitate the routing of management control messages within the system.
  • The process ensures efficient and effective communication between devices in the system.
  • This innovation streamlines the management of control data within a networked environment.

Potential Applications: - Networking systems - Industrial automation - Telecommunications - Internet of Things (IoT) - Data centers

Problems Solved: - Ensures compatibility between devices in a system - Prevents unnecessary forwarding of management control messages - Improves overall system efficiency and communication

Benefits: - Enhanced data management - Reduced network congestion - Improved system performance - Streamlined communication processes - Increased reliability of data transfer

Commercial Applications: Title: "Efficient Management Control Message Routing System" This technology can be applied in various industries such as telecommunications, industrial automation, and IoT to optimize data communication and enhance system performance. It can be marketed to companies looking to improve their network efficiency and streamline data management processes.

Questions about Management Control Message Routing System: 1. How does this technology improve communication between devices in a network? 2. What are the key benefits of using a bridge device for routing management control messages?

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on the latest advancements in networking systems and data management to ensure the continued relevance and effectiveness of this technology.

Original Abstract Submitted

a management control message is received to be routed from a first device to a second device in a system. the management control message is determined to include management control data. it is determined whether the second device supports such management control messages and it is determined whether to forward the management control message to the second device based on whether the second device supports management control messages. management control messages are routed to destination devices within the system over a bridge device associated with the management control messages.