Intel corporation (20240281249). LOAD STORE CACHE MICROARCHITECTURE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

intel corporation


Abhishek R. Appu of El Dorado Hills CA (US)

Altug Koker of El Dorado Hills CA (US)

Joydeep Ray of Folsom CA (US)

Karthik Vaidyanathan of San Francisco CA (US)

Sreedhar Chalasani of Folsom CA (US)

Eric Liskay of Folsom CA (US)

Prathamesh Raghunath Shinde of Folsom CA (US)

Vasanth Ranganathan of El Dorado Hills CA (US)

Michael J. Norris of Folsom CA (US)

Rajasekhar Pantangi of Fremont CA (US)

LOAD STORE CACHE MICROARCHITECTURE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240281249 titled 'LOAD STORE CACHE MICROARCHITECTURE

The abstract describes a graphics processor that can receive messages from an instruction execution resource and determine whether the message should be sent to shared function circuitry or a set of memory banks within the graphics core. The processor then routes the message accordingly.

  • Memory access circuitry in the graphics processor receives messages from an instruction execution resource.
  • The circuitry determines whether the message is meant for shared function circuitry or memory banks.
  • Messages are routed to the appropriate destination based on the determination made.
  • If the message is for shared function circuitry, it is sent there; if it is for memory banks, it is routed to a message sequencer associated with the instruction execution resource.

Potential Applications: - Graphics processing units (GPUs) - High-performance computing - Data processing applications

Problems Solved: - Efficient routing of messages within a graphics processor - Optimizing performance of shared function circuitry and memory banks

Benefits: - Improved overall performance of graphics processors - Enhanced data processing capabilities - Streamlined communication within the processor

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhanced Graphics Processors for High-Performance Computing" This technology can be used in: - Gaming consoles - Data centers - Supercomputers

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this innovation improve the efficiency of graphics processors? 2. What are the potential implications of this technology for data processing applications?

Original Abstract Submitted

one embodiment provides a graphics processor comprising memory access circuitry configured to receive a message from an instruction execution resource and determine a destination for the message, the destination one of shared function circuitry of a graphics core or a set of memory banks within the graphics core. the memory access circuitry then routes the message to the shared function circuitry in response to a determination that the message is directed to the shared function circuitry or routes the message to a message sequencer associated with the instruction execution resource in response to a determination that the message is directed to the set of memory banks.