Intel corporation (20240213947). EDGE COMBINING SUB-HARMONIC N-PATH FILTER simplified abstract

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Organization Name

intel corporation


Run Levinger of Tel Aviv (IL)

SOUMYA Gupta of Corvallis OR (US)

SASHANK Krishnamurthy of Hillsboro OR (US)

Ashoke Ravi of Portland OR (US)

Ofir Degani of Haifa (IL)

EDGE COMBINING SUB-HARMONIC N-PATH FILTER - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240213947 titled 'EDGE COMBINING SUB-HARMONIC N-PATH FILTER

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a filter with multiple filtering paths driven by different local oscillator signals, each with multiple phases, to generate signals based on a fraction of the local oscillator frequency.

  • Each filtering path includes signal generation branches.
  • Signal generation branches receive a harmonic local oscillator signal and generate signals associated with the local oscillator frequency.
  • The signals are generated using the harmonic local oscillator signal.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Multiple filtering paths driven by different local oscillator signals.
  • Signal generation branches to generate signals based on a fraction of the local oscillator frequency.
  • Use of harmonic local oscillator signals for signal generation.

Potential Applications: The technology can be applied in:

  • Communication systems
  • Signal processing
  • Radar systems

Problems Solved:

  • Efficient signal filtering
  • Signal generation based on different phases of local oscillator signals


  • Improved signal processing efficiency
  • Enhanced filtering capabilities
  • Precise signal generation

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial uses include:

  • Wireless communication systems
  • Satellite communication systems
  • Radar and sonar systems

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior art related to this technology in the field of signal processing and communication systems.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on the latest research in signal processing and communication systems for advancements in this technology.

Questions about the Technology: 1. What are the specific advantages of using multiple phases of local oscillator signals in signal processing? 2. How does the use of harmonic local oscillator signals improve signal generation efficiency?

Original Abstract Submitted

a filter includes a plurality of filtering paths. the plurality of filtering paths is driven by a corresponding plurality of local oscillator (lo) signals associated with an lo frequency. each of the lo signals has a phase of a plurality of phases. each filtering path of the plurality of filtering paths includes a plurality of signal generation branches. the plurality of signal generation branches is configured to receive a harmonic lo signal based on a fraction of the lo frequency, and generate an lo signal of the corresponding plurality of lo signals associated with the lo frequency using the harmonic lo signal.