Intel corporation (20240192981). EXITLESS GUEST TO HOST NOTIFICATION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

intel corporation


Wei Wang of Shanghai (CN)

Kun Tian of Shanghai (CN)

Gilbert Neiger of Portland OR (US)

Rajesh Sankaran of Portland OR (US)

Asit Mallick of Saratoga CA (US)

Jr-Shian Tsai of Portland OR (US)

Jacob Jun Pan of Portland OR (US)

Mesut Ergin of Portland OR (US)

EXITLESS GUEST TO HOST NOTIFICATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240192981 titled 'EXITLESS GUEST TO HOST NOTIFICATION

The abstract describes embodiments of exitless guest to host (g2h) notification, where a single instruction is used to trigger this notification from a virtual processor to a physical or virtual processor.

  • Decoder circuitry decodes a single instruction with an opcode field.
  • Execution processing resources execute the decoded instruction to initiate the exitless guest to host notification.
  • This innovation streamlines the process of communication between virtual and physical processors.

Potential Applications: - Virtualization technology - Cloud computing systems - Data centers

Problems Solved: - Enhances efficiency in virtualized environments - Reduces latency in communication between processors

Benefits: - Improved performance in virtualized systems - Faster data processing - Enhanced overall system efficiency

Commercial Applications: Title: "Efficient Virtual Processor Communication Technology" This technology can be utilized in various industries such as IT, telecommunications, and server hosting companies to optimize processor communication and enhance system performance.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior research on virtualization technology, processor communication protocols, and system optimization techniques to gain a deeper understanding of the background of this innovation.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in virtualization technology, processor communication protocols, and system optimization strategies to leverage the latest developments in this field.

Questions about Exitless Guest to Host (g2h) Notification: 1. How does exitless guest to host notification improve communication efficiency between processors? 2. What are the potential drawbacks of implementing exitless guest to host notification in virtualized systems?

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Original Abstract Submitted

embodiments of exitless guest to host (g2h) notification are described. in some embodiments, g2h is provided via an instruction. an exemplary processor includes decoder circuitry to decode a single instruction, the single instruction to include a field for an opcode; and execution processing resources to execute the decoded single instruction according to the at least the opcode to cause an exitless guest to host notification from a virtual processor to a physical or virtual processor.