Infineon technologies ag (20240248155). DUAL CHANNEL MAGNETIC FIELD SENSOR simplified abstract

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Organization Name

infineon technologies ag


Gernot Binder of Klagenfurt (AT)

Christoph Krall of Klagenfurt (AT)

DUAL CHANNEL MAGNETIC FIELD SENSOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240248155 titled 'DUAL CHANNEL MAGNETIC FIELD SENSOR

The abstract describes a magnetic field sensor with two sensor bridge circuits, each containing a set of magnetic field sensor elements positioned symmetrically across a center of symmetry.

  • The first sensor bridge circuit includes a first plurality of sensor elements and a second plurality of sensor elements separated by a sensor pitch.
  • The second sensor bridge circuit includes a third plurality of sensor elements and a fourth plurality of sensor elements separated by a sensor pitch equal to the first sensor pitch.

Potential Applications: - Automotive industry for navigation systems and driver assistance features - Consumer electronics for compasses and motion sensors - Industrial applications for position sensing and control systems

Problems Solved: - Accurate detection of magnetic fields - Symmetrical sensor placement for balanced measurements - Improved sensor sensitivity and resolution

Benefits: - Enhanced precision in magnetic field detection - Increased reliability in sensor readings - Symmetrical layout for consistent performance

Commercial Applications: - Magnetic field sensors for automotive, consumer electronics, and industrial applications - Market implications in the sensor technology industry

Questions about Magnetic Field Sensor Technology: 1. How does the symmetrical placement of sensor elements improve sensor performance?

  - The symmetrical layout ensures balanced measurements and accurate detection of magnetic fields.

2. What are the key advantages of using two sensor bridge circuits in this magnetic field sensor?

  - The use of two sensor bridge circuits enhances sensor sensitivity and resolution.

Original Abstract Submitted

a magnetic field sensor includes a first sensor bridge circuit including a first plurality of magnetic field sensor elements and a second plurality of magnetic field sensor elements, wherein the first plurality of magnetic field sensor elements are positioned symmetrical to the second plurality of magnetic field sensor elements across a center of symmetry, wherein the first and the second pluralities of magnetic field sensor elements are separated by a first sensor pitch; and a second sensor bridge circuit including a third plurality of magnetic field sensor elements and a fourth plurality of magnetic field sensor elements, wherein the third plurality of magnetic field sensor elements are positioned symmetrical to the fourth plurality of magnetic field sensor elements across the center of symmetry, wherein the third and the fourth pluralities of magnetic field sensor elements are separated by a second sensor pitch that is equal to the first sensor pitch.