Hyundai motor company (20240162824). Vehicle for Converting Power of Battery and Method of Controlling the Same simplified abstract

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Vehicle for Converting Power of Battery and Method of Controlling the Same

Organization Name

hyundai motor company


Tae Jong Ha of Songpa-gu (KR)

Jun Young Lee of Daegu (KR)

Dae Woo Lee of Incheon (KR)

Byung Gu Kang of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Vehicle for Converting Power of Battery and Method of Controlling the Same - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240162824 titled 'Vehicle for Converting Power of Battery and Method of Controlling the Same

Simplified Explanation

The embodiment vehicle described in the patent application includes a DC/DC converter that can operate in two modes: a low-voltage DC/DC converter (LDC) mode and a state-of-charge (SOC) balancing mode. The converter is able to step down the voltage from the first battery and transfer power between the first and second batteries based on the selected mode.

  • The DC/DC converter has a first power terminal connected to the first electrode of a first battery, a second power terminal connected to the first electrode of a second battery, and a load terminal connected to an electric load.
  • The converter includes a switching circuit, a transformer, and a rectifier circuit to control the power transfer between the batteries and the load.
  • The controller is responsible for setting the operation mode of the converter and ensuring the proper functioning of the LDC mode and SOC balancing mode.


      1. Potential Applications of this Technology

- Electric vehicles - Energy storage systems - Renewable energy systems

      1. Problems Solved by this Technology

- Efficient power transfer between batteries and electric loads - Balancing state-of-charge between multiple batteries - Optimizing energy usage in vehicles and energy storage systems

      1. Benefits of this Technology

- Improved battery performance and longevity - Enhanced energy efficiency - Increased reliability of power systems

      1. Potential Commercial Applications of this Technology
        1. Optimizing Power Transfer in Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Systems


      1. Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to DC/DC converters with multiple operation modes for optimizing power transfer and battery balancing in various applications. Research in the field of power electronics and energy management systems may reveal similar technologies.


        1. Unanswered Questions
      1. How does the controller determine when to switch between the LDC mode and SOC balancing mode?

The patent application does not provide specific details on the criteria or algorithms used by the controller to decide when to switch between the two operation modes.

      1. What are the specific technical specifications of the switching circuit, transformer, and rectifier circuit used in the DC/DC converter?

The abstract mentions these components but does not delve into the specific design or characteristics of each component. Additional information on these technical details would be beneficial for a deeper understanding of the innovation.

Original Abstract Submitted

an embodiment vehicle includes a dc/dc converter having a first power terminal connected to a first electrode of a first battery, a second power terminal connected to a first electrode of a second battery, and a load terminal connected to a first end of an electric load, and including a switching circuit, a transformer, and a rectifier circuit, and a controller configured to set an operation mode of the dc/dc converter to a low-voltage dc/dc converter (ldc) mode or a state-of-charge (soc) balancing mode, wherein the dc/dc converter is configured to step down a voltage of the first power terminal through the switching circuit, the transformer, and the rectifier circuit and output the voltage to the load terminal when the ldc mode is performed and to control power transfer between the first and second power terminals through the switching circuit when the soc balancing mode is performed.